The treatment of itchy skin after showering | Skin itches after showering

The treatment of itchy skin after showering

The skin is called the largest organ of the human body and has to fulfill a number of extensive tasks. As an enveloping or protective organ, the skin has a major task to fulfil. It is capable of effectively absorbing mechanical as well as chemical and/or thermal damage, thereby protecting the tissues beneath it and preventing serious damage.

In addition, the skin is essentially involved in the absorption and transmission of various stimuli from the outside world. These are mainly mechanical stimuli (pressure and vibration). However, thermal (heat and cold) and pain stimuli are also absorbed by the skin.

It is obvious that these far-reaching tasks cannot be fulfilled without a certain degree of stress. Only an intact, resistant skin is capable of adequately performing its tasks. If the skin itches frequently after showering, this can have various reasons.