Furuncle on the labia


A boil on the labia is a bacterial inflammation of a hair follicle in the female genital area. Since the genital area provides a good breeding ground for bacteria due to its warm and humid, hairy environment, this part of the body is an exposed site for the development of a boil. In medical terminology, this is referred to as a predilection site.

A furuncle on the labia reveals itself as a warm, reddened, painful lump. In most cases, the adjacent tissue is also affected. If several boils form next to each other on the labia and merge with each other, this skin phenomenon is called carbuncle. In technical jargon, frequent boils on the labia are called furunculosis. In this case a medical clarification of the cause is absolutely advisable.

Causes of boils on the labia

There are various causes for the development of furuncles on the labia. The risk increases when several risk factors are combined. A condition for the development of a furuncle on the labia are injuries in the hairy intimate area.

These injuries can be visible or very tiny and unimpressive. Bacteria can penetrate these areas. Usually it is staphylococci that cause the bacterial inflammation.

In most cases it is the Staphylococcus aureus. Many staphylococci belong to the physiological skin flora and do not have a basic disease value. However, under certain conditions – favorable for the bacteria – they can multiply and trigger inflammatory processes.

The bacteria get under the skin via a hair follicle at an injured skin area. Finally, within a few hours or days, an inflammatory, deep infiltration develops. After a few days or a week, the boil on the labia usually bursts open on its own.

The pus can thus escape and the boil heals. Usually a small irreversible scar remains. The injuries on the labia can be caused by badly fitting underwear, for example.

Boils are also common after shaving. In addition, dry and pre-damaged skin can promote the development of injuries. Increased sweating and friction can also irritate and damage the skin in the genital area. The danger of furuncles on the labia is greater in a weakened immune system and certain diseases, such as diabetes mellitus. You can find further causes and more detailed information on our page Causes of Furuncles