Abdominal pain during early pregnancy | Early Pregnancy

Abdominal pain during early pregnancy

During early pregnancy, many women suffer from various symptoms, which are due to the fact that the body of the pregnant woman still has to get used to the baby that is now growing in her belly. Many women suffer from abdominal pain during early pregnancy. These usually occur in the morning and can be accompanied by nausea.

Abdominal pains in early pregnancy are quite normal, since the child begins to expand and take up more space in the belly of the mother-to-be. Nevertheless, abdominal pain in early pregnancy can be very stressful for the pregnant woman. In this case the woman should try to relax again and again and do various relaxation exercises. Painkillers during pregnancy are usually not recommended, but pregnant women who suffer from abdominal pain during early pregnancy can take some medication after consulting their gynaecologist. In most cases, the abdominal pain in early pregnancy will disappear on its own after some time.

Headaches during early pregnancy

Some women suffer from headaches during early pregnancy, which can sometimes become very stressful. The reason for this is that there is an increased concentration of the pregnancy hormone progesterone during early pregnancy. This hormone causes pregnant women to suffer from headaches during early pregnancy.Especially in the first weeks of early pregnancy headaches are quite normal.

In order to minimize headaches in early pregnancy, it is important that the pregnant woman takes in sufficient fluids during the day. Water or unsweetened tea is best for this. Also very helpful against headaches in early pregnancy is exercise in the fresh air.

Even a short walk can help the pregnant woman to feel better again and reduce the headaches. In most cases, the headaches disappear after the first few weeks and do not need further clarification. However, if the headaches persist after early pregnancy, the patient should consult a doctor.

Back pain during early pregnancy

Back pain in early pregnancy is a rather rare symptom compared to nausea or headaches. Many women suffer from back pain during pregnancy, but it usually occurs later in the pregnancy. Usually this is when the growing child and water retention cause weight gain.

Nevertheless there are also women who describe back pain in early pregnancy. These can be caused by the fact that the pregnant woman has lifted herself or the back pain is caused by severe tension. If the back pain in early pregnancy tends to occur in the lower back area, it is possible that the stretching of the maternal ligaments is causing the discomfort.

In this case, the back pain should disappear on its own within a few days. In addition, the bones in the pelvic area are loosened so that the child can later fit through the birth canal without any problems. This can also cause back pain for women in early pregnancy.

A relaxing bath or warm compresses on the back can help to alleviate back pain. A massage can also be very helpful and ensure that the women do not aggravate the back pain in early pregnancy by tensing the muscles. Yoga exercises or pregnancy groups with sports participation can also help to actively combat back pain in early pregnancy.