Abdominal pain – what to do?


Abdominal pain can have many different causes. In many cases, simple home remedies can help. In general, most abdominal pain is caused by muscular cramps or flatulence, i.e. flatulence or generally too much air in the abdomen.

It is often helpful to take a break and lie down in bed with a hot water bottle on your stomach or back. In the case of abdominal pain, as with all complaints, one should carefully observe the course of the pain. If the pain persists for a long time, is very strong or even worsens, you should always consult a doctor or hospital.

It could be caused by a dangerous disease of the abdominal organs. One should also pay attention to the character of the pain. If it is so-called colicky pain that suddenly gets worse again and again, there is usually a disease behind it that should be treated.

A frequent cause of such pain is the gall bladder. It can be inflamed, for example, or a stone can obstruct the bile ducts. In this case, treatment in hospital is indicated.

If there are other symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea, it is also advisable to consult a general practitioner. After a physical examination and a personal consultation, this doctor can best judge what to do. Painkillers are one way of treating abdominal pain yourself. This can be useful if the pain is temporary and has harmless causes. However, you should not forget that painkillers only fight the symptoms, not the cause of the complaints, and still take the necessary rest, recuperation and time to relax.

Home remedy for stomach ache

There are many different home remedies for the treatment of abdominal pain. Whether a household remedy can be used, whether conventional medicine is more suitable or whether a doctor should be consulted depends on the causative illness, the intensity of the abdominal pain and the accompanying symptoms. One sign that abdominal pain is harmless is, for example, accompanying symptoms such as mild diarrhoea or an inflated stomach, which make a simple gastrointestinal infection or flatulence probable, or the occurrence of mild symptoms during menstruation or after eating very spicy or acidic foods.

In such cases home remedies can be used to alleviate and promote the healing process. One of the most commonly used home remedies is the application of heat. It relaxes the gastrointestinal tract and can relieve pain.

Heat can be applied to the abdomen with a hot-water bottle, a warm cherry pit cushion or a warm, moist compress, for example, and should be left on for about 10 minutes. It is recommended that you also adopt a lying position in a quiet environment and bend your legs slightly. This provides psychological relaxation and leads to relief of the abdomen.

In addition, various types of tea can alleviate abdominal pain. Camomile tea, for example, has not only a slight antibacterial effect but also an anti-inflammatory one, which is why it can be used to treat stomach upset or slight inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. If fresh chamomile is used in the preparation, no more than ten flowers should be brewed in one litre of water, otherwise the symptoms may be aggravated.

If flatulence and a feeling of fullness accompany the abdominal pain, fennelaniseed-caraway tea is a well suited household remedy. It can be bought or boiled fresh after the seeds have been crushed by pounding and usually has an antispasmodic and relaxing effect. For patients with diarrhoea and abdominal pain, for example, a tea made from dried blueberries can help very well.

One food that is well tolerated by patients with stomach aches of various causes is potatoes. Dishes such as potatoes in their jackets, boiled potatoes or boiled potatoes are easily digestible even in cases of gastrointestinal infections and, because they are slightly alkaline, can partially neutralise stomach acid. Yoghurt can help relieve the symptoms of recurrent abdominal pain.

Yoghurt contains bacteria that can stabilise the intestinal flora. Another classic household remedy is vegetable soup (with or without chicken). Many acute abdominal pains are caused by muscular tension or too much air in the abdomen.

This is where the lavender bath can possibly help. Lavender has been proven to have a calming effect and helps you to relax better. Another traditional household remedy is the so-called camomile compress.

Here fresh chamomile is added to a boiling litre of water. Then leave the camomile to soak in the water for 10 minutes, while the water cools down to a pleasant temperature. The patient can now soak a cotton cloth with the chamomile water and place it on the stomach. This is therefore a beneficial household remedy for stomach ache. You can find more information on this topic at: Home remedy for stomach ache