Abdominal Trauma: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Mouth, esophagus (food pipe), stomach, and intestines (K00-K67; K90-K93).

  • Retroperitoneal hematoma – hematoma in the retroperitoneal space (structures that lie behind and are not enclosed by the peritoneum)

Injuries, poisoning, and other sequelae of external causes (S00-T98).

  • Abdominal wall hematoma (bruise in the abdominal wall).
  • Abdominal wall contusion
  • Pelvic fractures (fractures of the pelvis)
  • Rib fractures (bone fractures of the ribs)
  • Thoracic injuries (chest injuries).
  • Genitourinary organ injuries (kidneys, urinary tract, reproductive organs).
  • Vertebral fractures (vertebral fractures)
  • Diaphragmatic contusion (bruise of the diaphragm)
  • Diaphragmatic rupture (rupture of the diaphragm)

Other differential diagnoses

  • Additional concomitant injuries with radiation of pain