Abscess after wisdom tooth removal | Pus in the jaw

Abscess after wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom tooth removal is a complex surgical procedure, which can restrict the mouth opening and food intake in the postoperative period. Especially when all four wisdom teeth are removed in one session, oral hygiene and food intake is difficult. This can cause bacteria to settle in the now empty tooth pockets and lead to inflammation.

In the remaining cavity, the bacteria can cause an inflammatory reaction, which can lead to pus. This abscess has a tendency to spread and enter the systemic circulation. An abscess formation in the area of the wisdom teeth is not completely harmless with This is not completely harmless, because under certain circumstances it can lead to blood poisoning. Therefore, in case of swelling after wisdom tooth removal, it is important to visit a dentist as soon as possible or to call an emergency dental surgery service outside of office hours.

Pus in the jaw after a root canal treatment

After a completed root canal treatment with root filling, a possible complication is that bacteria have remained below the root tip and these show acute tendencies to spread. The bacteria can form a cavity in which pus is formed by the body’s immune system, resulting in an abscess. This happens mainly because the pus cannot escape upwards and therefore produces swelling. The swelling creates a strong pressure, massive biting disorders and unbearable pain. If no treatment is given, swallowing difficulties arise, depending on the location, an obstruction of the respiratory tract and sepsis (blood poisoning) may also occur.


Diagnostically, an abscess is an accumulation of pus in the oral cavity.The practitioner palpates the swelling and tries to feel the edge of the lower jaw bone underneath. A bulging and hard swelling is critical, while a soft swelling may not require treatment at all. If the lower jaw is not palpable and swallowing or breathing is difficult, there is an urgent need for treatment. Furthermore, fever is an acute sign of inflammation, which will be checked. In addition to the clinical examinations, X-ray diagnostics is considered a supporting medium to make a clarifying diagnosis.