Acorn itches and peels | Acorn itches

Acorn itches and peels

The skin on the glans is very regenerative and permanently forms new skin layers. If the glans peels, this only affects the superficial layer and is not dangerous at first. The reasons for this vary.

If the skin peels, this is often a sign of dryness. The glans can also be affected.Moisturizing creams can help. If they stay in the sun without clothing for too long, sunlight on the sensitive glans can also be the cause of itching and peeling.

A peeling glans is often described in connection with fungal diseases. After the application of ointments to treat fungi, the glans may become too dry and peel. Once the treatment is finished, it should recover by itself.

Acorn itches and stinks

An unpleasant odor on the genitals can be attributed to many causes. It must be differentiated exactly when and where the smell occurs. The ejaculate, the urine or the genital itself can be the odor causing factor.

Often, unpleasant odors, together with moisture, indicate a weeping inflammation. If the odor affects the genital itself, a lack of hygiene can also be the cause. In this case you should wash thoroughly, especially under the foreskin.

If the odor does return within a short time, the doctor should clarify whether an inflammation exists. A distinction can be made as to where the inflammation is located. If the urine in particular smells unpleasant, there may be an inflammation of the bladder.

It often hurts additionally when urinating. The urethra but also the bladder can be affected. Although the urinary tract infection is much less common in men than in women, it can still occur.

The external genitals can also be affected by the unpleasant odor and inflammation. Here it must also be clarified whether other symptoms are present. Also the sexual partner could be affected in this case.

Some men experience itching on the glans after sexual intercourse. The cause is not necessarily an inflammation caused by a pathogen. Particularly during sexual intercourse, mechanical external irritation and contact with body fluids often cause irritation of the male genitals, which can manifest itself as redness, itching or rash.

The same symptoms can also occur with contact allergies. Some men are allergic to latex products, silicone or plastic. Some utensils used during intercourse can cause such allergies.

In this case contact with the material should be avoided and it should be observed whether the itching subsides by itself. However, all pathogen-related infections can be transmitted through intercourse, causing any inflammatory symptoms on the male glans. The usual venereal diseases are caused by fungi, bacteria and parasites. Often both sexual partners are affected and both must be treated.