Acupuncture during Pregnancy: What it can Achieve

Pregnancy: treatment of complaints

Complaints and illnesses typical of pregnancy sometimes require medical treatment. Medication would often be an effective therapy, but should only be taken during pregnancy if it is absolutely necessary and the benefits outweigh the potential risks.

In many cases, one can also try to alleviate pregnancy symptoms with alternative therapies instead of medications. This also applies to one of the most important alternative therapies – acupuncture. Pregnancy, like breastfeeding, is one of the sensitive phases of life in which such well-tolerated alternative methods are becoming increasingly popular.

Alternative methods have their limits. If the complaints persist over a longer period of time, do not get better or even get worse despite treatment, you should always consult a doctor.

Acupuncture during pregnancy

Pregnancy complaints such as nausea and vomiting, pregnancy-related pain or back pain are often treated with the fine needles. Therapists also use acupuncture to prepare for childbirth or during childbirth, in cases of unfulfilled desire to have children as well as artificial insemination.

In many cases, there is still little scientific evidence of the effectiveness of acupuncture. If your symptoms persist over a longer period of time and do not improve or even get worse despite treatment, you should always consult a doctor.

Pregnancy: nausea and vomiting

Many pregnant women suffer from nausea, dry retching or vomiting. Most often, the symptoms occur between the 6th and 12th week of pregnancy. As many as 20 percent of pregnant women continue to suffer from these complaints beyond the 20th week of pregnancy.

The effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of nausea and vomiting after surgery or during chemotherapy is undisputed. A positive effect of acupuncture in pregnancy for nausea and vomiting, on the other hand, has so far only been suspected – scientific studies on its effectiveness are rare. Some studies speak against a benefit of acupuncture for nausea and vomiting. On the other hand, many pregnant women report positive experiences. A final verdict is therefore still pending. Nevertheless, you should talk to an experienced therapist if you want to use alternative methods to combat nausea and vomiting – perhaps acupuncture will help you.

Pregnancy: back and pelvic pain

Before and after birth

Acupuncture needles are also increasingly being used to prepare for childbirth. This is because setting the needles is not only said to help relax and reduce worries and fears before delivery: in addition, it is said that the birth can be shortened from ten to eight hours on average if acupuncture was used in the last four weeks of pregnancy. The “needling” also reduces pain during childbirth. In the case of an episiotomy and subsequent perineal suture, acupuncture also helps with pain relief.

After birth, milk flow weakness can cause problems with breastfeeding. Acupuncture can trigger milk flow within one to two sessions.

Again, there is insufficient evidence of effectiveness. Talk to your doctor about how you can best support the therapy yourself.

Fertility treatment

Acupuncture in pregnancy: side effects minor

The side effects of acupuncture in pregnancy are mostly harmless. Mild pain and minimal bleeding at the injection sites are the most common adverse effects. Occasionally, symptoms such as minor bruising, fatigue, headache, nausea or dizziness occur. More severe problems such as high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia have been observed, but no connection with acupuncture is suspected here.

Pregnancy: Needles as support

There is often a lack of scientifically meaningful studies on the effectiveness of acupuncture in pregnancy. However, sometimes it can be useful to use acupuncture as a support during pregnancy!