Addicted to Computers? Not me!

Harmless hobby or addiction?

You are likely to react irritably to comments such as “Leave the box” or “You’re already an addict. In this way, conflicts gradually arise. If this develops into a spiral, for example because you want to escape the constant stress with your parents or at school into the virtual world, you’ll find yourself in a computer game addiction sooner than you’d like. Because in the virtual world you can be a hero, it confirms you and gives you support.

How to recognize an addiction

This also applies to social media, by the way – although experts here are divided on whether it’s a real addiction. If you’re spending so much time on Instagram, WhatsApp and the like that you’re neglecting your friends and school, you should always impose a voluntary timeout of a few days or limit your use to just one hour a day. If you can’t do that, get help.

Addicted – and now?

Today, there is a whole range of services for PC addicts at institutions such as addiction help centers or specialized clinics. The first and most important step out of addiction, however, is to admit that you have a problem. Don’t hesitate too long – after all, real life is waiting for you!

For more information and help, click here:

  • You can always call the nationwide “Addiction & Drugs Hotline” for advice: 01805 – 31 30 31