Allergies to Fragrances and Medicinal Plants

Back to nature – more and more people are following this trend and opting for plant-based ointments, creams and shampoos. They hope that these products are better tolerated than the conventional range. However, some consumers get itchy nodules after using natural cosmetics or herbal ointments. Most often, behind such an unpleasant skin reaction is a contact allergy to the herbal ingredients of the cosmetic product – a so-called contact dermatitis. The skin reactions range from itching and redness to extensive weeping rashes.

Contact allergy – a lifelong companion

“For many, it comes as almost a shock when seemingly harmless botanicals such as tea tree oil or arnica cause a lifelong contact allergy. But those affected have reason to hope. Although there is no cure yet, the specialist can improve the symptoms and give valuable tips on how to avoid the allergy-causing substance in the future,” explains Professor Dr. Thomas Fuchs, President of the Medical Association of German Allergists (ÄDA). Contact allergies occur frequently: In the meantime approximately each tenth suffers from it. Top places are taken by nickel and fragrance allergies, with women being affected far more frequently than men.

Fragrance allergy – When fragrances make life difficult

Various studies have shown that a high percentage of the population is affected by fragrance allergy. Triggers are the essential oils contained in plants, which are used for the production of cosmetics and perfumes. Fragrance allergies to cinnamon oil, oakmoss and clove oil are the most common. These fragrances are found in many perfumes, deodorants, cosmetics, and cleaning products, among others. Fragrance allergies can vary in severity. Some allergy sufferers develop eczema if the detergent contains only traces of a certain fragrance. Others react sensitively only with direct skin contact.

Natural remedies and their dangers

Arnica (Arnica montana L) Arnica, one of the most important and oldest medicinal plants, is one of the most potent plant contact allergens. Arnica is said to have stimulating, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties. Therefore, the plant’s ingredients can be found in numerous approved medications as well as in cosmetics, toothpaste, shampoos, etc. Contact allergies are most common when treating injuries and sprains with arnica tinctures. If arnica extract is not sufficiently diluted, it can even have a toxic effect. Tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) The trendsetter among eco-substances is tea tree oil. The oil of the tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), which originates from Australia, is almost traded as a miracle cure. There are countless possible applications on the Internet. For example, it is recommended for the treatment of injuries, burns, pimples, inflammations and insect bites. But beware: tea tree oil is composed of over 100 substances, some of which are toxic, and poisoning has already occurred after taking it as drops. In addition, it is known that even a short external application with undiluted tea tree oil can trigger a contact allergy. In contrast, diluted application to healthy skin appears to pose little risk. Perubalsam (Myroxylon balsamum) Another important contact allergen is perubalsam. This is the secretion of the perubalsam tree (Myroxylon balsamum), which is native to Mexico and Panama, among other countries. As with all natural products, the composition of Peru balsam can vary greatly. The balsam is used in medicine (wound remedies, gargle solutions, mouthwashes and cough syrups), in cosmetics (soaps, shampoos, powders and lipsticks), as a flavoring (desserts, baked goods, tobacco products, beverages) and in perfumes. Numerous investigations could show that a contact allergy against Perubalsam is not rare. Propolis Propolis is a putty resin of plant origin with which bees seal their hive. The substance mixture is used, for example, for acne or eczema. Propolis is administered in creams or ointments as well as in the form of drops, tinctures or tablets and is also found in cosmetics such as lotions or lipsticks as well as in toothpaste and mouthwash. It is noticeable that allergies to propolis are increasing. Yarrow (Achilla millefolium) Yarrow is contained in many naturopathic preparations and is increasingly used in cosmetics as well as herbal shampoos and baths.Their allergenic potential is considered to be weak to moderate.