Forced Reps | Bodybuilding injuries and dangers

Forced Reps

With this method, the muscle is trained through approx. 5 repetitions until it is completely exhausted with overcoming (concentric) work. This is followed by 2-3 repetitions with the help of a partner.

This partner helps to the extent that the movement can just about be executed in this way. The method of forced reps is one of the best known methods in bodybuilding and causes increased muscle growth through increased stress stimuli. The method of forced reps is based on the common muscle building training.

It is like hypertrophy training (muscle building), the muscles are exhausted with about 5-6 repetitions. After these exhaustive repetitions, the athlete completes another two to four repetitions. Since these are not possible without help, a partner must provide support.

This support must be chosen in such a way that the movement is just about to be performed. The additional 2 to 4 repetitions should be performed extremely slowly. This requires a certain degree of sensitivity on the part of the helpers.

As the name forced (overcome) indicates, this is the concentric phase. The emphasis is on the overcoming phase. In order to achieve the desired muscle build-up in bodybuilding, correct movement execution is a prerequisite.

Depending on the level of performance, between 4 and 6 sets can be completed per machine. Beginners are strongly discouraged from this type of exercise.Decisive for success are the last repetitions. After completing the repetitions, no repetition should be possible.

The forced reps can also be performed with self-help for certain muscle groups. In one-armed biceps curl, the support of the free arm can enable further movements. In addition, the method of forced reps can be performed to the extent that the subsequent movements are performed with lower weights.

As soon as repetitions are no longer possible, lower weights should be selected for subsequent reps. The aim of this method is to put additional strain on the already tired muscle by doing more reps in order to increase the training stimulus. The training is done in the range of the supra-threshold strong to strong stimuli, and the muscle is thus excessively stressed compared to the normal hypertrophy method.

The result is an increased muscle cross-sectional area. Since the movement is performed in isolation and in a controlled manner, risks are almost impossible with this method. The only risk of muscle overloading is for athletes who are inexperienced in training.