Associated symptoms | Swelling after a wasp sting

Associated symptoms

After a wasp sting, a localized skin reaction normally occurs. In addition to the swelling, the puncture site and the surrounding skin are reddened. The area is painful and often itching develops shortly after the sting.

People with an insect venom allergy can experience life-threatening symptoms. These can be indicated by shortness of breath, circulatory problems and pronounced swelling. The sting itself is usually painful.

However, even after the sting, the local reaction is usually accompanied by swelling and reddening in the area of the sting and pain in the affected skin area. The pain usually subsides after a few hours. Cooling the puncture site and using household remedies such as essential oils, vinegar compresses or honey can alleviate the pain.

Itching is also a typical symptom that occurs during a wasp sting. Initially, there is a painful local swelling and redness. After a few minutes to hours, itching is often added.

This is also caused by the proteins contained in the insect venom, such as histamine. The household remedies mentioned are also effective against itching, at least to a limited extent. Reddening in the area of the bite is a typical symptom after a wasp sting.

The four signs of inflammation are redness, swelling, pain and restricted movement. The movement restriction is usually of secondary importance in wasp stings. However, if the sting is located in the area of one of the finger joints, for example, it can also be accompanied by restricted movement.

The reddening, like the other symptoms of inflammation, is caused by the substances contained in the insect venom and by the response of the immune system. The swelling and reddening in the area of the wasp sting are symptoms that occur during the acute reaction. Just like pain and itching, they usually subside after about 24 hours even without specific treatment. To accelerate the reduction of the swelling, the local application of cold can be helpful.In order to limit the development of swelling right at the beginning, the local application of heat can also be helpful, for example in the form of a stab healer.