Back training without equipment | Back training

Back training without equipment

For a back workout without equipment, all you need is a soft pad and some space around it. In the prone position, the legs are closed and stretched and the arms are extended above the head. The gaze is directed downwards into the floor.

Now the arms are lifted individually or together.More experienced athletes can lift the upper body as far as possible. This position can be held for a few seconds and then brought down again. The same can be done with one or both legs.

In order to increase the coordinative demands, arms and legs can be lifted diagonally. Further movements such as arm circles, chopping knife movements or bending and stretching can be incorporated. A further increase could be achieved by increasing additional weights, a theraband or gymnastic balls.

The forearm support is an exercise that is strongly attributed to the training of the abdominal muscles. However, this exercise can also make a strong contribution to a strong healthy back. The back extensor is also heavily used during the static holding exercise and accounts for a large part of the stability.

Back training for women

When women train their backs, they like to choose exercises that are performed with their own body weight. One of these exercises is the hyperextension of the lower back. For this exercise there is a machine in every studio where you can stand or lie down.

The feet are fixed by a support and the upper body is free from the hip joint. The upper body is lowered and the angle between upper body and legs is 90°. Now the upper body is lifted upwards against gravity.

Thereby the hip angle of 180° is exceeded and goes into a slight hyperextension. The head remains in extension of the spine. Then the upper body is returned to the starting position, hanging, by releasing the tension and the exercise starts again from the beginning.

For beginners it is recommended to keep the arms towards the upper body. Advanced athletes can put their arms forward over the head to make the exercise more difficult. Another exercise is the pull-ups.

Women like to use “super bands” to support this back exercise. You need a bar or a high bar. In the comb grip you hang from the bar and from this position you start to pull your body upwards until you get your chin over the bar.

The torso muscles are tensed to give the body stability. Then the tension is slowly released and the body is allowed to sink back into a stretched position. Other exercises that women like to do are cross lifting and barbell rowing.