Blindness due to a solar eclipse | Blindness

Blindness due to a solar eclipse

During a solar eclipse everywhere more and more special glasses are sold, with which it is possible to observe the solar eclipse without damage. Because to watch the solar eclipse with the naked eye can be dangerous. By pushing the moon forward, the sun’s rays are bundled and appear particularly bright.During the solar eclipse we focus directly on the sun, unlike in everyday life.

This burns and damages the retina. This phenomenon is easier to visualize with a magnifying glass. If you bundle the light rays with a magnifying glass, holes can be burned through a paper.

It is the same with the retina. Since the retina has no pain sensors, you do not feel the burns at first. Only later do you notice the visual restrictions. Some damages are reversible, but others can be permanent. Should a case occur, a doctor should be consulted immediately.


Blindness is the complete loss of sight due to various inherited or acquired diseases or injuries. A distinction is made between causes that occur primarily in western industrialized countries and causes that occur in developing countries. In western countries the most common causes of blindness are glaucoma (green star), retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, eye injuries, inflammation of the uvea (uveitis) and age-related macular degeneration.

In developing countries, cataract, trachoma, onchocerciasis and keratomalacia are the most common causes. Blindness is a serious intervention in the life that was mostly uncomplicated until that period. Blind people have to find their way around their environment, sometimes with a cane or a guide dog, and have to go through retraining programs in a professional sense in order to earn a living. In Germany, there are about 160,000 blind people and more than one million visually impaired patients with considerable restrictions on their daily lives.