Bone Marrow Inflammation (Osteomyelitis): Surgical Therapy

The following curative (curative) measures may be necessary for osteomyelitis:

  • Debridement surgery: resection of the fistula tracts, removal of all infected necrotic tissue and bone (sequestrectomy); drainage, open wound treatment if necessary.
  • Radical resection (complete or partial removal of the tissue section by surgery) of the affected region up to amputation.
  • Explantation (removal of an implant) of artificial joints.
  • Additive antibiotic therapy

In post-traumatic/post-infectious osteomyelitis, surgical rehabilitation is crucial for therapeutic success. In specialized centers succeeds in infection calming in about 70-95% of cases. The following palliative measures* may be necessary for osteomyelitis:

  • Medullary trephination (reaming of the bone marrow cavity).
  • Local sequestrectomy (sequestrum removal, i.e., removal of avital bone fragments).
  • Soft tissue revisions
  • Permanent drainage (long-term suction of secretion, blood or pus).
  • Additive antibiotic therapy

* Actions that do not aim to cure the existing disease, but to reduce its consequences.