Bronchitis: Treatment and Prevention

Acute bronchitis usually heals on its own. Until the infection has subsided, some medications can relieve the cough as well as the accompanying symptoms. In chronic bronchitis, it is especially important to stop the triggers – smoking, for example – to counteract a worsening of the disease.

Acute bronchitis: therapy

In the case of a purely viral infection, the therapy of acute bronchitis consists of the administration of mucolytic drugs. On the one hand, secretolytics (for example, ambroxol or chamomile oil inhaled) are available, which cause the production of less viscous mucus. On the other hand, mucolytics (for example, N-acetylcysteine) are used to help liquefy the tough mucus that has already formed. In addition, patients should consume plenty of fluids to enable liquefaction of the mucus.

Since acute bronchitis often occurs in the context of influenza, the accompanying symptoms such as fever and aching limbs are treated accordingly.

Antibiotics are only necessary if the bronchitis does not improve on its own or if bacterial pneumonia is imminent.

If the acute bronchitis is the result of inhalation of toxic gases, the patient must be admitted to a hospital for observation, as life-threatening complications can still occur hours after inhalation.

Therapy of chronic bronchitis

When treating chronic bronchitis, the main thing is to eliminate the triggers of the disease. This means, above all, putting an end to smoking. But toxic fumes, for example at the workplace, must also be avoided if one does not want to worsen the symptoms further. This may mean changing jobs, but it is the only way to prevent further aggravation.

If there is also a bacterial infection, antibiotic treatment may be necessary, depending on the pathogen.

If respiratory problems have already occurred, treatment is given with different medications depending on the stage of the disease:

  • Beta-2 sympathomimetic drugs are used even in the early stages. They cause dilation of the bronchi and thus help to prevent the overinflation of the alveoli and thus the development of emphysema.
  • The active ingredient theophylline also causes dilation of the bronchi.
  • Cortisone-containing preparations are offered both as inhalation sprays and in tablet form. They are usually used only at an advanced stage. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and prevent habituation to beta-2 sympathomimetics.

Prevent bronchitis with vaccinations

Since influenza viruses are common triggers of acute bronchitis, vaccination against influenza (flu) can prevent bronchitis. Vaccination should be repeated every year because the viruses may change in structure. In addition, patients with more advanced bronchitis should avoid large crowds because there is also an increased risk of infection.

A vaccination against pneumococcus is also available and is particularly recommended for people over 60 years of age. These bacteria are common triggers of pneumonia, which can occur as a complication of bronchitis because the inflamed mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes is more susceptible to bacteria. Early vaccination can thus reduce the risk of pneumococcal pneumonia as a consequence of bronchitis.

Exercise as a preventive measure for bronchitis?

In many cases, sports practiced in moderation can significantly improve the well-being of patients and also maintain performance. Beforehand, however, one should ask the attending physician to what extent one is allowed to exert oneself.

Avoid triggers of chronic bronchitis

Since about 90 percent of cases of chronic bronchitis are caused by long-term smoking, the best precaution is not to start smoking in the first place or to stop as soon as possible. If one works with toxic substances or is exposed to heavy air pollution, one should urgently observe the prescribed occupational safety measures and make use of protective masks.

If a patient is already suffering from the symptoms of chronic bronchitis, it should be treated urgently to prevent further worsening of the symptoms.