Can I also buy an over-the-counter test at the pharmacy? | How to test for Chlamydia

Can I also buy an over-the-counter test at the pharmacy?

There are many test procedures available, which can be purchased and performed independently at home. These tests can be purchased online or at the pharmacy without a prescription. However, you should first find out which test is suitable or provides reliable results.

Should a test for Chlamydia be done before pregnancy?

Chlamydia infection is often asymptomatic in women. The women are therefore not even aware that they have been infected. The infection can cause various complications.

It can cause premature birth or be transmitted to the baby during the birth process. The newborn baby may then develop conjunctivitis, otitis media or even pneumonia. Transmission to the child is also possible during breastfeeding.

For these reasons it is particularly important to clarify a Chlamydia infection. The examination is part of prenatal care and should be carried out before pregnancy and in the 32nd week of pregnancy.