Tensions in the neck | Tensions

Tensions in the neck

The neck is subjected to heavy daily stress. It not only supports the head, because the neck muscles allow the head to move and rotate. Due to the demands of many professions, people today often work with their heads tilted to read, write or look at the screen or to make phone calls with their cell phone wedged between their ear and shoulder.

The musculature stiffens during such monotonous movements. The neck muscles are closely connected to the muscles of the shoulder, back and head. Tensions of these regions merge into each other and often reinforce each other.

Tension in the neck region can be particularly unpleasant, as it not only causes permanent pain and restricts mobility, but can also lead to headaches, dizziness and sleep disorders. To prevent neck pain, the muscles should be moved daily. With simple exercises tensions can be eased: These exercises can be easily integrated into the daily work routine.

Finally, the neck and shoulder area can also be wonderfully massaged by yourself, but here you should be especially careful in the neck area to protect the cervical vertebrae. Relaxation techniques and rest are recommended to relieve stress-induced tension in the neck.

  • For example, the head can be tilted towards the shoulder so that the muscles are stretched.
  • Also the inclination of the chin to the breast serves to stretch especially the back neck muscles.
  • Another exercise that can be easily integrated into everyday life is the following: The nose writes a lying eight in the air. The greater this movement is, the more the neck muscles are mobilized.

Tensions in the chest

The chest muscles are used far too rarely in everyday life. Muscles that are not used regularly become sticky. The individual muscle fibers stick together and become hard.

Such hardenings can become painful. It also helps to stretch and massage the chest area. The largest pectoral muscles form the front fold of the armpit. There you can massage well by placing your hand in the armpit and rubbing the skin of the breast and the muscle with your thumb. Stretching exercises on the wall can also help to stretch the muscles in the chest area.