Cataract: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate a cataract:

  • Lens opacity
  • Glare sensation, especially at night and at dusk
  • Decrease in visual acuity
  • Fading of colors and contrasts
  • Liquid absorption into the lens
  • Blurred and/or distorted vision
  • Increased sensation of glare in bright light
  • Decreased perception of contrasts
  • Occasional double or multiple vision
  • Decrease in color perception or “foggy vision” (feeling as if looking through a “frosted glass”)
  • Mature cataract – only brightness perception.

As a complication, phacolytic glaucoma (= glaucoma due to swelling of the lens) may develop. Furthermore, there is a risk of inflammation in the eye due to the release of degenerative lens protein to the aqueous humor of the eye.