Choline: Supply Situation

In their study, Vennemann et al recorded the average choline intake of Europeans. This is between 244-373 mg/day in young adults (10-18 years), 291-468 mg/day in adults in the range (18-65 years), and 284-450 mg/day in older individuals. They compiled, based on the results of 12 European studies, an overview of total choline intake in women and men of the different countries in Europe.For Germany, they found an average intake value of 302 mg/day in young men (10-18 years) and 295 mg in young women (10-18 years). A value for adults and older persons in Germany is not available.The EU Food Safety Authority (EFSA) took the results of Vennemann and colleagues into account for the determination of the daily adequate intake of choline. This amounts to 400 mg for men and for women.