Complications of a boil | Boils on the leg

Complications of a boil

As a rule, a boil is not accompanied by other symptoms in addition to the local complaints. However, if a carbuncle develops from several furuncles, stronger general symptoms (including fever) often occur. In some cases, an inflammation of the lymphatic tract occurs, which results in swelling of the adjacent lymph nodes.

In the case of a boil on the leg, the lymph nodes in the groin and in the hollow of the knee are particularly affected in this case. It becomes dangerous when the pathogens invade the bloodstream, then a dangerous blood poisoning (sepsis) develops. In contrast to a boil in the facial area (possible site-specific complications: meningitis and cerebral venous thrombosis), a boil on the leg cannot lead to dangerous complications. This topic might also be of interest to you: Abscess on the inner side of the thigh
