Complications | Surgery of a coccyx fistula


As with any operation, the operation for a coccyx fistula is of course not without risk. Post-operative bleeding is to be feared, especially with the open type of surgery and wound treatment. Due to the open wound treatment, germs can easily move into the wound if not treated properly, and wound infections can occur.

If this is the case, the risk of renewed fistula formation elsewhere also increases. Up to 10% of those affected are affected by wound healing disorders after an operation. Depending on the site where the fistula occurs and the size of the area of the fistula ducts and the underlying cyst, it is often unavoidable to remove parts of the sphincter muscle as well, which results in fecal incontinence, i.e. the inability to hold the stool and controlled bowel movements. During the operation according to Karydakis, the removal of tissue, sometimes over a large area, can result in a permanent numbness of the buttocks due to injury to superficial skin nerves. All possible complications will be discussed with the patient during the clarification discussion.

Alternatives to surgery

The alternative therapy methods include the therapy with ointments or with appropriate sitz baths, which are also supposed to alleviate the inflammation. Once a coccyx fistula has healed, improved hygiene in the gluteal area can prevent the recurrence of a fistula.