Complications | Vaccination against pertussis


As a side effect of every vaccination there is swelling and redness at the injection site in about 30% of all cases.Mostly the arm is vaccinated. Rarely a small lump can form at the injection site, these symptoms usually disappear within one to three days. In about 10% of all cases, patients complain of flu-like symptoms such as headaches and aching limbs, as well as fever and general malaise after vaccination.

In children, antipyretic drugs can be given, but usually this is not necessary. It may also cause mild stomach discomfort and diarrhoea. Allergic reactions are also possible, but very rare.

In most cases the vaccination is well tolerated. Every vaccination causes an immune reaction. This means that the immune system is activated and antibodies are formed against the vaccine.

This is essential for the immunity achieved by the vaccine. The activation of the immune system can lead to so-called vaccination reactions. These include: Reddening of the injection site, muscle pain at the injection site (often described as a feeling of sore muscles) and fever.

These reactions usually occur within the first 72 hours after vaccination and are self-limiting. Vaccination reactions can last for a few days, but are neither contagious nor threatening. The fever after whooping cough vaccination is an expression of an immune response to the vaccination.

If the fever rises quickly, children may experience febrile convulsions, but this is extremely rare and usually not threatening. The fever that can occur after vaccination can be treated symptomatically. Household remedies against fever are cold compresses for the calves and a sufficient amount to drink.

The fever can be reduced with paracetamol or ibuprofen. It should be noted that the dosage of the medication depends on the weight of the child. The paediatrician should therefore be consulted before the first administration of these drugs. Paracetamol is not approved for children under 3 kg, ibuprofen is not approved for children over 3 months of age or over 6 kg.