Consumption of asparagus when taking Marcumar | Nutrition when taking Marcumar

Consumption of asparagus when taking Marcumar

Asparagus has a low vitamin K content of about 0.04 mg per 100 g. Theoretically, it could be a food that could be consumed despite treatment with Marcumar®. More and more authors and studies suggest that a complete renunciation of foods with a high vitamin K content is unnecessary. Instead, care should be taken to ensure that no sudden changes in diet occur. For example, one should not abruptly change from a normal diet to a high-fat diet. Just as harmful would be a one-sided food and parliamentary allowance, as well as for example a one-sided Spargeldiät.

Sauerkraut consumption with Marcumar® intake

Sauerkraut with 1.54 mg per 100 g is one of the foods with a very high vitamin K content. Raw sauerkraut should therefore be avoided. When cooking a part of the Vitamin K ́s is destroyed by the heat effect, so that the Vitamin K content sinks. It is controversially discussed whether a renouncement of cooked sauerkraut in the context of a treatment with Marcumar® is unnecessary or absolutely necessary. A close monitoring of the Quick value seems to make sense in any case.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is needed in our body for the activation of blood clotting factors. Marcumar® is a drug which inhibits blood clotting. It inhibits the circulation of vitamin K. Thus it interferes with the activation of blood clotting factors.If vitamin K-rich food is consumed, this can reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

However, it is difficult to control the exact level of vitamin K in the body. This is because vitamin K is absorbed and metabolized in different ways in the intestines. Besides the intestine bacteria produce Vitamin K. With uncertainties concerning the nutrition with the physician consultation should be held, in order to reach as successful a treatment as possible with Marcuamar?

Vitamin K Donor

There are different tables with so-called vitamin K donors. One speaks of a high vitamin K value if the value is above 0.10 mg per 100 g of food. The data are often different.

Many authors think that a complete renouncement also on food with high Vitamin K content would not be necessary. It is recommended to a balanced, preferably uniform mixed diet. However, raw sauerkraut and a diet rich in leafy vegetables should be avoided. In addition, food supplements such as multivitamin preparations containing vitamin K should be avoided. In case of uncertainties, it is advisable to contact the treating physician.