Deformities of the Hip: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate congenital (congenital) deformities of the hip:

Leading symptoms of congenital (sub)dislocation.

  • Severe pain in the hip joint
  • Malalignment
    • Luxatio iliaca (posterior dislocation) – leg shortening, internal rotation, adduction (lateral approach or the application of a body part to the center of the body).
    • Luxation iliopubica (anterior dislocation) – external rotation, slight abduction (lateral leading away or spreading a part of the body from the center of the body), significantly shortened leg.
  • Luxation obturatoria – external rotation, strong abduction and flexion.

Leading symptoms of coxa vara/valga

  • Waddling gait when bilateral
  • Painless limping, if unilateral
  • Leg length difference
  • Limitation of the range of motion

The main diagnostic criteria

The European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS) has compiled 23 criteria that are associated with an increased risk of congenital hip dysplasia in children younger than 9 weeks. These were evaluated for significance in a study. Four parameters were found to be statistically significant: