Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): Interactions

Interaction of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) with other micronutrients (vital substances): Vitamin B1 and riboflavin The serum concentration of pantothenic acid as well as its excretion via the kidney is increased by vitamin B1 (thiamine) and riboflavin (vitamin B2), whereas vitamin C and vitamin A have no effect on the serum level of pantothenic acid … Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): Interactions

Above Average Vital Substance Requirements

In industrialized nations, an adequate supply of vital substances is possible through a wholesome diet, taking into account the recommendations of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. (DGE) are possible. However, the general availability of a rich, wholesome food supply does not always guarantee an adequate individual vital substance supply. An insufficient vital substance supply … Above Average Vital Substance Requirements

Manganese: Safety Assessment

The United Kingdom Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (EVM) last assessed vitamins and minerals for safety in 2003 and set a so-called Safe Upper Level (SUL) or Guidance Level for each micronutrient, provided sufficient data were available. This SUL or Guidance Level reflects the safe maximum amount of a micronutrient that will not cause … Manganese: Safety Assessment

Tendon Calcification (Tendinosis Calcarea): Therapy

General measures Depending on the symptoms and stage of disease: Relief and immobilization Sports leave As soon as the pain subsides, physiotherapy (see below) should be started. In case of trauma – care depending on the nature of the injury. Conventional non-surgical therapy methods Anti-inflammatory drugs (drugs that inhibit inflammatory processes). In case of tendinosis … Tendon Calcification (Tendinosis Calcarea): Therapy

AIDS (HIV): Classification

HIV/AIDS classification: CDC classification (CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Category Clinical stages Symptoms/diseases A Acute HIV infection Asymptomatic HIV infection Acute, symptomatic (primary) HIV infection/acute HIV syndrome (also in the history): mononucleosis-like clinical picture with short-term lymphadenopathy (swelling of the lymph nodes), fever and splenomegaly (spleen enlargement) Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (LAS) > 3 … AIDS (HIV): Classification

Food Allergy: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Symptoms of allergy occur primarily in interface organs that are particularly endowed with immunocompetent cell systems – B and T lymphocytes. These include the gastrointestinal tract, the skin and the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. According to studies, symptoms are predominantly seen in the skin (43% of cases), followed by respiratory tract (23%), gastrointestinal … Food Allergy: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Food Allergy: Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease) In terms of their triggers, two forms of food allergy are distinguished: Primary food allergy: due to gastrointestinal sensitization to predominantly stable food allergens (e.g., milk and chicken egg whites, soy, wheat, peanut, and tree nuts)Anaphylactic shock due to food allergy (most common trigger of severe anaphylaxis in childhood) In young … Food Allergy: Causes

Mamma Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Heat Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the mamma (synonyms: Mamma MRI; magnetic resonance mammography (MRM; magnetic resonance imaging – mamma; mammary magnetic resonance imaging; mammary MRI; MR mammography; MRI mammography) – or also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMR) of the mamma – refers to a radiological examination procedure in which a magnetic field is … Mamma Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Polymorphous Light Dermatosis: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate polymorphous light dermatosis: Initially, itching occurs, followed by patchy redness of the skin. Thereafter, the following efflorescences (skin changes; skin bloom) may occur: Bullae (blisters) Papules (vesicles) Papulo-vesicle – a mixture of papule and vesicle (vesicle) represents. Plaques (areal or plate-like substance proliferation of the skin). Predilection sites … Polymorphous Light Dermatosis: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Hypothyroidism (Hypoparathyroidism): Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of hypoparathyroidism (hypothyroidism). Family history Are there any diseases in your family that are common? What is the general health of your family members? Social anamnesis Current medical history/systemic medical history (somatic and psychological complaints). Do you have/had muscle spasms/muscle cramps? When did … Hypothyroidism (Hypoparathyroidism): Medical History