

Detox is the abbreviation for , which translated means detoxification. This alternative medical method is intended to cleanse the body or individual organs such as the intestines, liver or skin of accumulated endogenous or exogenous toxins. This is intended to prevent or alleviate illness and increase well-being. Detox is often accompanied by a temporary break from habits, such as fasting or a change in diet. Detox has a second, scientific meaning. In technical terminology, it refers primarily to detoxification from intoxicants such as alcohol or opioids.


Detox products are very popular today and are offered, for example, as drinks, green smoothies, teas, juices, supplements, vitamins, minerals, enemas, masks, baths and creams. Propagated are also special diets and programs.


It is indeed the case that the human body is increasingly exposed to foreign and synthetic substances in our industrialized world. These include, for example, pesticides, preservatives, heavy metals, chemicals, endocrine disruptors, drugs and environmental toxins. Some of these substances can be deposited in adipose tissue for years due to slow elimination.

Criticism of the detox concept

The body is not defenseless against foreign substances. Metabolism changes the chemical structure of xenobiotics, makes them water-soluble, inactivates them, and enables their excretion through urine and stool. Many xenobiotics have a short half-life and leave the body after hours or a few days. Detox products are insufficiently documented scientifically. As a rule, it has not been proven that they are able to eliminate foreign substances and have an impact on health. Cleanly conducted clinical studies on a sufficient number of subjects are lacking. Detoxification ties into outdated pathogenetic concepts – such as the four-juice doctrine and bloodletting. Detox treatments also carry risks. For example, the activated charcoal often used can bind and inactivate medications taken at the same time. Diets can cause deficiencies, and laxative abuse can lead to potassium deficiency and cardiac arrhythmias.

Positive aspects

Detox products often contain health-promoting ingredients – such as herbal agents, antioxidants or nutrients. Those who submit to a corresponding cure may eat healthier and renounce, at least temporarily, the daily excess. Well documented are the milk thistle and its ingredients, of which especially the silymarin is considered effective. Preparations from the fruits have anti-hepatotoxic properties. In principle, however, this is possible without expensive products with a healthy diet, sufficient exercise, rest and sleep.