Diagnosis | Fast thumb


At the beginning of the diagnosis of a quick-acting thumb there is a detailed doctor-patient conversation. Due to the typical symptoms, the suspected diagnosis of a quickening thumb can usually be made very quickly. In addition, there is the examination of the thumb, where the problem can often be felt. Before the therapy of the thumb is started, other thumb diseases should be excluded, so that serious diseases of the hand are not overlooked. Especially when the symptoms and physical findings are not clear, imaging procedures may be necessary to exclude possible joint changes.


The prognosis of the rapid thumb is usually very favorable. Often, an improvement of the symptoms can be achieved by conservative methods. Surgery can improve the symptoms in the long term and prevent a recurrence of the disease.

How long are you on sick leave?

The duration of incapacity to work with a quick thumb depends strongly on the type of profession. Those who only need their hands a little and/or do not have to make any grasping movements with their hand can usually return to work after one to two weeks. After this period, the stitches on the surgical incision are removed and the swelling has subsided. Nevertheless, pain may still be present at this time, which is why a longer sick leave is entirely justified. On the other hand, those who work a lot with their hands (craftsmen, athletes, musicians, computer jobs) usually need a longer sick leave.


In order to prevent the occurrence of a rapid thumb, it is important to minimize the risk factors of the clinical picture. Overloading the thumb plays a particularly important role in the development of the disease. So already with the signs of the illness a protection of the thumb should take place and be prevented so the progress of the symptomatology.