Shiatsu: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Shiatsu is a Far Eastern, holistic healing method that is also gaining more and more followers in Europe. The special pressure massage technique is applied according to the overriding principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM. The application with Shiatsu is similar to other healing methods from the Far East, for example acupuncture or acupressure, not … Shiatsu: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Connective Tissue Massage: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Connective tissue massage corresponds to reflex therapy, which triggers a response in the organs, musculoskeletal system and skin through the cuti-visceral reflex arc. After palpation, the therapist works the connective tissue with tangential traction stimuli. Connective tissue massage fulfills therapeutic and diagnostic functions. What is connective tissue massage? As a rule, the beginning of the … Connective Tissue Massage: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Thumb Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Without thumbs, people are not able to use their hand properly, because the inconspicuous finger plays a hidden main role. However, this is only noticed when the thumb no longer works as it should. One reason for this can be thumb pain, caused by injury or joint wear. What is thumb pain? Thumb pain usually … Thumb Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Pacifier or Thumb?

As late as the 1940s, babies in Germany were still being given pacifiers (Zuzel) to calm them down, with overzealous mothers stuffing sweet rusk porridge into them. As a result, the very first milk teeth were affected by caries. In 1949, Professor Wilhelm Baltes and Dr. Adolf Müller invented the “natural and jaw-friendly soother and … Pacifier or Thumb?