Diagnosis of inflammation of the gall bladder | Gall Bladder Inflammation

Diagnosis of inflammation of the gall bladder

There are several possibilities for the diagnosis of a gall bladder inflammation, also known as cholecystitis. 1. anamnesis: In the first place, of course, there is information collected from the patient’s medical history. The affected person usually complains of pain in the right upper abdomen below the rib.

The pain often radiates into the right shoulder, since this area (head-zone) is connected to the gallbladder via nerves. The pain occurs mainly after fatty food or at night. If there is an accumulation of bile, the skin of the affected person appears yellowish (icteric).

Another indication for the inflammation is fever. 2. physical examination: The physical examination shows a typical Murphy sign. The physician slides his hand under the patient’s right costal arch while the patient breathes in.

The gall bladder moves downwards and is palpable. If the inhalation stops due to pain, the Murphy’s sign is positive. In addition, the affected person shows a pain-related defensive tension of the abdominal wall.

3. ultrasound of the abdomen: For further diagnosis an ultrasound of the abdomen should be arranged. This can reveal gall bladder stones or bile gravel (sludge) as the cause of the inflammation. If cholecystitis is present, the gallbladder wall is thickened and shows a typical three-layer structure.

The gallbladder itself also appears enlarged and may be surrounded by a dark edge of fluid. If free fluid is found, the gallbladder has torn. This represents an emergency, which requires immediate surgery.

4 Blood count: An inflammation of the gall bladder can be recognized in the blood by various inflammation parameters. The main symptom is an increase in white blood cells (leukocytosis). In addition, the C-reactive protein (CRP) and the blood sedimentation rate (BSG) are increased.

Some liver enzymes, the so-called transaminases, such as GOT and GPT, may also increase. In addition, there are cholestasis parameters that increase when there is a build-up of bile. These include the alkaline phosphatase AP, y-GT and direct bilirubin.