Diagnosis | Pain when inhaling


Since there are very different causes, you should consult a doctor if you suffer from breathing pain. First of all, a detailed conversation is important in order to determine accompanying symptoms. As a rule, these already give many indications as to which further examinations must be carried out.

If infectious diseases are suspected, a blood test with pathogen detection is useful. But they are also necessary in the case of pneumonia or bronchitis. In addition, an x-ray of the lung and a CT (computed tomography) are performed. If a rib fracture or an abscess (accumulation of pus in the lungs) is suspected, an X-ray or a CT must also be taken.


The treatment/therapy is very different, depending on the cause of the pain. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in case of strong, long-lasting pain or other symptoms, because in a few cases hospitalization is also indicated. In case of flu, pleurisy or pneumonia, physical rest and sufficient fluid intake is important.

If necessary, antibiotics must also be taken. Tension can be treated with heat and massage. In the case of vertebral body fractures or spinal column malformations, the doctor will suggest the appropriate therapy, such as a corset.

Associated symptoms

The accompanying symptoms are important to differentiate the many possible causes:

  • In the case of an underlying infectious disease, patients suffer from general fatigue, fever, limb and headaches and coughing in addition to breathing difficulties.
  • In the case of the so-called teething troubles, such as measles and rubella, there is also a specific rash.
  • Similar symptoms occur with pneumonia, but these are usually much more severe and it takes longer to recover completely.
  • In the case of breath-dependent pain caused by problems with the ribs, the pain is increased by deep breathing, coughing and sneezing.
  • The sudden onset of respiratory pain is accompanied by shortness of breath in the case of a pneumothorax (collapsed lung).
  • Pulmonary embolism is accompanied by shortness of breath, coughing, fever and possibly blue discoloration of the lips.
  • Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the pulmonary vessels) is characterized by a feeling of tightness in the chest, dizziness and blue coloration of the skin.