Diarrhoea caused by vitamin D


Diarrhea can have various causes. Among other things, it can occur as a side effect of taking different medications. Diarrhoea can also occur as an adverse effect when taking vitamin D. However, in this case the diarrhoea is usually short-lived. Longer-term diarrhoea while taking vitamin D may indicate an overdose. First of all, it is advisable to ask yourself what significance vitamin D has for the body.

Causes – Why does diarrhoea occur when taking vitamin D?

When talking about taking vitamin D, the active ingredient colecalciferol is usually meant. This is the most important form of vitamin D. All common vitamin D preparations contain colecalciferol as the main active ingredient. Colecalciferol is a well-tolerated drug, but – like any other drug – it can have undesirable effects that occur more or less frequently.

Diarrhea is one of these side effects. The mechanism by which diarrhea develops has not been investigated. Since diarrhoea is a very unspecific symptom that can have various causes, the question of the cause is not relevant.

It is not uncommon that it is not the medication but another cause that is responsible for the diarrhoea, for example stress. The side effects that can occur when taking vitamin D often only occur in the context of an overdose. This is the case when either an excessive dose is taken or when taking a sufficiently high vitamin D level is not indicated.

Vitamin D should therefore only be taken if a meaningful indication exists. This is especially the case with babies and, under certain circumstances, with elderly people and people with certain diseases such as osteoporosis. The start of vitamin D intake should be discussed in advance with the treating family doctor.

In principle, numerous diseases can cause diarrhoea. However, whether diarrhoea occurs due to a vitamin D deficiency varies greatly from one individual to another. There are people whose stomach reacts sensitively to many things.

If those affected often react to things like stress, changes in eating habits or the intake of medication with diarrhoea, the likelihood is greater that they will also suffer from diarrhoea if they have a vitamin D deficiency. However, diarrhea is a very unspecific symptom that alone does not indicate an existing vitamin D deficiency. In Germany the number of people affected by vitamin D deficiency is increased. Usually this fact is based on the small contact with sunbeams. A vitamin D deficiency should be treated immediately, as this can lead to consequences such as bone loss.