Does Smoking Damage the Teeth?

The fact that smoking harms the lungs and the cardiovascular system and can also cause cancer is generally known today thanks to health education and warnings on cigarette packages. However, only very few people know that heavy tobacco consumption also puts teeth at risk.

Yellow teeth due to smoking

The nicotine in tobacco leaves a yellow or brown smoker’s coating on teeth. The color pigments penetrate so deeply into tooth enamel and dentin that the discoloration cannot be removed by thorough tooth brushing. Many of those affected then accept treatments such as professional teeth cleaning or teeth whitening in order to regain their white smile.

However, if you don’t stop smoking, you will only enjoy your white teeth for a short time. This is because the nicotine in cigarettes causes the teeth to darken again quickly.

If some smokers need dental implants, they should find out about tooth replacements made of zirconium ceramics. These are less susceptible to discoloration than other dentures.

Painful teeth due to smoking

Discoloration of the outer enamel of teeth is only a cosmetically visible detail in heavy smokers. Of equal concern is a long-term American study by Boston University, which found that root canal treatment is statistically about 70 percent more common in smokers than in nonsmokers.

Smoking also has a highly destructive effect on the oral cavity. Smoking promotes inflammation of the tooth bed (periodontitis) and can even cause oral cavity cancer. The wound healing process after oral surgery also progresses more slowly in many cases than in non-smokers.

Increased gingivitis in smokers

In the oral cavity, cigarette smoke is deposited on the teeth and tongue. Carcinogenic nicotine enters the bloodstream through the mucous membranes of the mouth, causing veins to contract. That is why smoking is considered generally harmful to blood circulation in the body. This has significant consequences for the mouth and throat:

Because their gums have poorer blood supply, smokers are more susceptible to bacterial infections (periodontitis) in the oral cavity. In addition, due to the narrowed blood vessels, it is often very difficult to detect inflammation because the typical bleeding of the gums does not occur. Periodontitis is then often treated too late. This can result in damage to the entire periodontal apparatus.

Loss of teeth

As a result of periodontal disease, smokers are much more likely to have loose teeth than nonsmokers. In addition, smokers are considered particularly susceptible to tooth decay.

If these irritations spread to the jawbone, this can mean the loss of individual teeth. There is also a risk of bone loss within the jaw apparatus.
Heavy smokers in particular often suffer from inflammation along the gum line around dental implants. If not treated in time, the artificial tooth root can become detached and must be removed.

Cancer risk for oral cavity and pharynx

The risk of developing oral cavity and pharynx cancer is increased many times if you smoke. Tobacco use can cause malignant changes in the oral mucosa, which develop into precancerous lesions of the oral cavity. These are often distinguished by white spots (leukoplakia) on the palate. Smokers are also at risk for cancer of the larynx and esophagus.

This also applies to all other organs that come into direct contact with tobacco smoke during smoking. This applies above all to the lungs. Anyone who smokes even a few cigarettes a week puts themselves at risk of developing lung cancer.

Stopping smoking pays off

Even those who have already been hanging on to the glowing stick for a long time have a chance of escaping the danger of cancer. Already three to five years after a smoking stop, the risk of developing oral cavity cancer decreases significantly. After 20 years, it is even considered to be as low as that of a non-smoker.

Typical side effects of smoking, such as inflammation of the gum pockets, degradation of the jawbone or unpleasant bad breath, also diminish over time following a smoking cessation.