
Synonyms in a broader sense

Apectomy, root tip amputation


A root apex resection is used in cases of a pronounced inflammation of the root apex. The term root apex inflammation (technical term: apical periodontitis) is understood in dental terminology as an inflammation in the area of the root apex of a tooth. In a root apex resection, the root apex of the affected tooth is removed by amputation. (apicoectomy). In dentistry, the term for this treatment describes the separation and removal of the root of the tooth affected by inflammatory processes, followed by preparation and filling of the root canals and closure of the affected tooth, i.e. root canal treatment.

Necessity of a root tip resection

Advanced caries leads to inflammation of the tooth pulp, which then dies off. The contents of the infected pulp cavity are removed by the dentist and the cavities are disinfected, prepared and sealed with root filling material. However, since the root canal has numerous fine ramifications at the tip of the root, not all of these can be reached with the filling material.

Bacteria can hide here and lead to inflammation and suppuration of the bone surrounding the root tip. The suppurative focus can remain painless for a long time, but it can become bigger and bigger. If the body is weakened by other diseases, bacteria from this focus can break through the granulation tissue surrounding the pus and flood the entire organism.

Therefore such foci must be removed. This can be done by removing the tooth (tooth extraction) or by a root tip resection, in short WSR.

  • Procedure of a root canal treatment
  • Tooth extraction

Indication for apicoectomy

  • Radiologically proven focus at the root tip.
  • Teeth with a curved root tip that cannot be completely filled.
  • As an alternative to extraction to preserve the tooth.
  • Removal of broken root canal instruments.
  • Adjacent cysts.
  • Fractures at the tip of the root.
  • If a revision, i.e. renewed root filling does not lead to success.
  • Or if pain persists for a long time after the 2nd root canal treatment.