Duration of pain | Pain in the incisor

Duration of pain

The duration of the pain can be quite different and depends on the cause.Harmless pain usually disappears within two or three days. However, if the episode lasts longer, you should see your doctor, usually no later than one week after the onset of pain. There the cause can be determined and eliminated.

Incisor hurts in cold

Eating ice cream or drinking a cool lemonade often results in a painful pulling of the tooth. A pulling that continues for several seconds after the stimulus. Various triggers are possible.

An exposed tooth neck is sometimes enough to trigger this unpleasant feeling. Pain then occurs when eating hot or cold or sweet or sour food. Exposed dentin immediately transmits these stimuli to the Zannerv and causes stinging.

Then special toothpastes or a tooth neck filling help to alleviate the pain. The toothpastes settle on the open dentin and virtually seal it. In this way the stimuli can be reduced or no longer transmitted.

An effect is achieved as long as the product is used. Tooth neck fillings made of plastic have the same effect in the same way – but permanently. Caries/secondary caries can also be considered as a cause of cold pain. A hole that reaches up to the nerve can cause a strong and long lasting pain while eating. The reason is the metabolic products that the bacteria excrete, as these irritate the pulp.

Incisor hurts on contact

An inflammation of the tissue surrounding the teeth is called periodontitis. If left untreated, it can spread more and more and after some time it can also affect the tip of the root. An inflammation of the root tip, also called pulpitis, which destroys the periodontium more and more, is the result.

Any kind of touch hurts at this stage, regardless of whether the tooth is dead or alive. Sometimes a touch with the tongue is enough. Initially, the pain only occurs after consumption of hot or cold food.

However, the more pronounced the inflammation is, the more the sensitivity to touch develops. The reaction is violent and long-lasting, often the pain radiates into the tissue. Many patients report that cold has an analgesic effect.

This type of pain should be clarified by the dentist in any case, since an inflammation of the root apex will spread further and further without treatment. In the early stages, the tooth can be saved by a root canal treatment. In the worst case, pus forms and an abscess develops. A harmless cause of touch pain are exposed tooth necks. A therapy can be performed as described in the previous section.