Consequences | Tooth neck is exposed – What to do?


Exposed tooth necks are not only aesthetically unattractive, but can also have serious consequences or indicate an existing problem as a clear warning signal. The gums are like a kind of protective cover that is supposed to protect the tooth and the periodontium from harmful influences. If the necks of the teeth are exposed, the dentin on the tooth is directly attacked by external bacteria.

The many small tubules present in the dentin now come into direct contact with the outside world and transmit any chemical or thermal stimulus to the inside of the tooth, causing pain. A further problem is that exposed tooth necks are a perfect location for bacteria to settle, which cause caries and thus start to decompose the tooth substance. Cervical caries can spread quickly because the lack of enamel layer makes it easier for bacteria to penetrate quickly and reach the pulp cavity. Patients usually only come to the dentist when a lot of substance has already been lost and the bacteria have reached the pulp. Because the caries can spread so well and the pulp is easily reached, the subsequent root caries is another consequence of the exposed tooth necks.


The best protection against exposed tooth necks is to prevent their formation. On the one hand, it is important to use the correct tooth brushing technique and toothbrush materials. Thus, at least twice a day the teeth should be cleaned from all sides with a not too hard toothbrush under gentle contact pressure.

Dental floss, tongue scrapers and mouth rinses should be used as a supplement in order to prevent the development of caries, which can lead to periodontitis. Electric toothbrushes are very suitable for cleaning because they are easy to use and usually have a control lamp that indicates when you are pressing too hard. With a normal manual toothbrush, circular movements are preferable, which should be made at an angle of 45° away from the gums and towards the crown of the tooth. The regular changing of the brush in case of visible wear or after 4 weeks at the latest should also be adhered to, as otherwise the complete brushing performance is no longer available. Furthermore, protective agents can be purchased, such as remineralizing gels, which are usually applied once a week.