Duration of oral thrush

Mouth rot, or stomatitis aphtosa or gingivostomatitis herpatica, is a disease of the oral mucosa that is accompanied by inflammation. It is a painful blister formation in the area of the mouth and throat, mostly in children between the ages of 1 and 3. The symptoms are triggered by the initial infection with the herpes virus (HSV1).

How long does it take for the symptoms to break out?

The incubation period for mouth rot averages about 2-12 days, but can vary considerably and last up to 26 days. The affected person may therefore have been infected earlier and only show the corresponding symptoms much later. The disease usually begins with a high fever, which can last for several days and in which children in particular are often groggy and very weak, but usually have no pain. It is only a little later that the typical inflammation of the oral cavity (palate, tongue and lip can also be affected) occurs with the associated blistering and burning pain in these areas.

Duration of the entire disease

With the onset of the disease, the typical symptoms such as painful burning and blisters on the tongue, oral mucosa, gums or palate appear after the high fever of the initial phase. However, other symptoms such as bad breath, increased salivation or swollen lymph nodes may also occur. Especially in small children, self-healing occurs in most cases after about 1 week, during which time the blisters and wounds dry out and the children are no longer contagious. However, there are also cases in which the disease lasts longer. This is especially true in young adults or older children, where the symptoms often last for 2-3 weeks.

Duration of the individual symptoms

As already mentioned, the disease initially manifests itself through the high fever and general malaise of the affected patient. This can also lead to symptoms such as headaches, irritability or an indefinable feeling of illness. However, the affected persons usually do not have pain.

The high fever can last for several days (usually up to 5 days) before the “actual” symptoms are observed. After the fever has disappeared, aphthoid lesions appear in the mouth area, initially with a small blister formation, but after a few days these can develop into so-called ulcerations or erosions. They are often covered with yellowish fibrin coatings and are extremely unpleasant.

The children have no appetite due to the burning pain in the mouth and throat area and often cannot eat or drink anything. Especially salty or spicy food and especially hot or cold drinks cause severe pain and are understandably refused by the children. Nevertheless, it is important that those affected are given enough liquid/food to prevent dehydration and to ensure that they take in sufficient nutrients. The symptoms mentioned above last for about 1 week before the blisters can disappear by themselves and the pain subsides. As already mentioned, healing in adults often takes a little longer and the symptoms usually subside without after-effects after 2 to a maximum of 3 weeks.