Duration of the abscess | Nasal abscess

Duration of the abscess

The duration of treatment of an abscess strongly depends on how large the abscess already is and whether it is easily accessible. A small abscess can possibly heal completely within one to two weeks with the help of pulling ointment alone. A larger abscess, on the other hand, must always be removed by a doctor.

The resulting wound must then heal slowly. It is important to always keep the wound clean and, if possible, to clean it with a mucous membrane disinfectant, since an infection of the wound significantly prolongs the time until healing and also leads to complications. An abscess in the nose is generally a little more difficult to treat than on the trunk of the body, as particular care must be taken to prevent the spread of germs to the brain. It is therefore important to take a prescribed antibiotic for as long as your doctor prescribes it, even after the symptoms have subsided. Even if the wound takes some time to heal after the abscess has been surgically removed, this type of therapy is always recommended, as it can significantly reduce the probability of another abscess occurring at this site.

How dangerous is an abscess in the nose?

In principle, an abscess is not dangerous and heals quickly and without consequences if it is treated correctly. However, the pus cavity becomes dangerous when the bacteria spread into the brain via the blood vessels. In this case it can lead to a thrombosis of the blood vessels that collect and drain the blood from the brain.

This is called sinus vein thrombosis. Since in this case the blood cannot flow out of the brain as usual, bleeding can occur in the brain due to the congestion. A warning sign is a newly occurring headache or epileptic seizures.

Sinus vein thrombosis can usually be treated well if it is detected in time. However, severe progressions can also occur, which can lead to death. Therefore, extreme caution is required in the case of an abscess in the area of the nose. The abscess should always be treated hygienically and a doctor should be consulted for therapy.