Duration of the aphthae | Aphthae – You should know this

Duration of the aphthae

Initially, small yellowish vesicles form on the oral mucosa, which have a red border and are usually filled with fluid. They develop within a few days. Some of these vesicles heal spontaneously, while others burst open and take a long time to heal completely.

It is not possible to say exactly how long the healing process will take. A distinction is made here between smaller minor and larger major aphthae. The smaller ones with a diameter of a few mm need about 10-14 days until they are gone again without help from the outside.

They heal without scarring. The larger ones have a diameter of 1-3 cm. They can ulcerate and then penetrate into the depth of the mucous membrane.

The healing process takes several weeks and often an unattractive scar remains. The special form of herpetic vesicles, i.e. vesicles similar to herpes vesicles, are distributed over the entire oral cavity. They disappear again spontaneously after about two weeks. Home remedies and medication can reduce the healing time and pain.


There is no direct method to prevent the occurrence of aphthae, because the origin is still not completely understood and many causes may be possible. However, it can be helpful to reduce the risk somewhat by ensuring a balanced diet and sufficient intake of all important vitamins. For example, you should not have a vitamin B, iron or folic acid deficiency and you should also consume certain very acidic foods in moderation.

These include citrus fruits, lemonade or chocolate and nuts. These foods may or may not be related to the occurrence. Smoking can also promote the development of aphthae.

The own immune system should also always be sufficiently strengthened, as a weak immune system can more easily lead to such a disease. Herpes, HIV or flu viruses are also seen in direct contact with the occurrence of aphthae, so that one should take sufficient protection, also from a general medical point of view, in order not to become infected with these viruses. The stress level should also be kept low, and care should be taken in oral hygiene not to put too much strain on the gums, whether this is due to toothbrushes that are too firm or toothpaste with strong abrasive bodies. However, all these are only possible precautions that can be taken as a precaution, but cannot guarantee that they will not occur.


Aphtae in the mouth are mucosal defects of round shape and whitish yellow surface with a dark red rim. They occur either individually or in groups. They are harmless but very painful.

There is no causal treatment/therapy. The best therapy are pastes with a local anaesthetic to relieve the pain. They have a high tendency to self-consecration but can occur again and again.