Duration of the disease | Treatment of a cervical spine syndrome

Duration of the disease

How long the symptoms of cervical spine syndrome last varies greatly from person to person and so the duration of treatment also varies. Often the cervical spine complaints disappear under treatment after a few days to weeks. Various factors, such as stress, can prolong the duration of the cervical spine complaints and thus also the duration of the therapy.

It can also come to an irregular change of cervical spine complaints and symptom-free intervals and thus make therapies necessary, which above all provide short-term pain relief. The cause leading to the complaints also plays an important role for the duration of the treatment. For example, the treatment of cervical spine complaints caused by whiplash can be shorter than if the cervical spine complaints are caused by years of bad posture and back-unfair habits.

Long-term relief of the complaints can only be achieved if posture is improved and back-friendly movements are learned. The treatment is then often lengthy, since habits that have been internalized for years can be difficult to discard. In any case, the cooperation and motivation of the affected person is of paramount importance for the success and duration of the treatment of the cervical spine syndrome.