Enanthem: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In the course of the development of enanthem, the tiny vessels of the mucous membranes (called capillaries) swell with inflammation due to a reaction of the immune system. This leads to the red, blotchy coloration of the mucosa that is typical of enanthema and may be accompanied by swelling, burning, itching, or even pain.

What is enanthema?

In medical jargon, enanthem refers to any form of rash in the mucosal area, most commonly involving the oral mucosa. This usually involves reddish patches or larger red areas in the mouth or throat, which may also be swollen. The appearance of vesicles is also possible with such enanthem.


Various causes can be blamed for the reddish rash on the mucous membranes in enanthema. It often occurs as a typical symptom in the course of infectious diseases, which may be caused by viruses (e.g., chickenpox, rubella, measles) or bacteria (e.g., scarlet fever, syphilis, typhoid fever). In addition, in infants and young children, the rare Kawasaki syndrome, a lymph node disease, can be the trigger for the mucosal rashes. In addition to the various diseases, allergies (e.g., to medications or certain foods) or poisoning (e.g., from personal care products) are also the reason for the occurrence of enanthema in some cases.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Enanthema is associated with various unpleasant symptoms, all of which have a very negative impact on the quality of life of the affected person. Patients suffer primarily from a severe rash that occurs mainly on the mucous membranes. As a rule, the symptoms of enanthema also depend very much on the underlying disease. If the disease occurs as a result of poisoning, most patients also suffer from severe abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting. Various infectious diseases are accompanied by severe itching and scaly skin. Often, the enanthema can also lead to inferiority complexes or significantly lowered self-esteem in the affected person. For this reason, the disease leads to psychological upsets or severe depression. The disease can also severely restrict the daily life of the affected person, since the use of certain care products is no longer possible without further ado due to the enanthema. In the case of an allergy, however, the symptoms disappear again after a short time on their own. If enanthem is not treated, it will not disappear if it has a bacterial cause. In this case, the disease can spread to other areas of the body and possibly reduce the patient’s life expectancy.

Diagnosis and course

Enanthema is usually diagnosed by a physician’s examination of the affected mucous membranes. The survey of other symptoms of the disease that occur thus makes a rapid diagnosis possible in the infectious diseases that are responsible for the rash in many cases. In the course of an improvement of the respective underlying disease, the mucosal rash usually subsides quickly and without consequences, in addition to the other symptoms. If, on the other hand, poisoning or allergies are the cause, the diagnosis is more difficult to make. Often a specialist examination is necessary, for example by a dermatologist, who can carry out appropriate tests. If the allergy– or poisoning-triggering substance is finally identified and the mucosa no longer comes into contact with it (e.g., by omitting certain medications or avoiding foods or skin-care products), the enanthem usually also recedes within a short time.

When should you see a doctor?

If rashes appear on the mucous membranes in the mouth, a doctor should be consulted. Further spread of the rash, which is additionally accompanied by swelling, indicates enanthema. A visit to the doctor is recommended if the symptoms do not subside on their own or cause severe pain. With swallowing difficulties, speech disorders or problems with food intake, it is best to consult the family doctor immediately. Swelling of the mucous membranes must be clarified and, if necessary, treated in order to rule out further complications and late effects. This is why it is important to consult a general practitioner at the first sign of an illness.If complications such as itching, injuries or signs of poisoning develop, the emergency medical services are the right people to contact. Breathing difficulties and dizziness should also be clarified immediately, as these symptoms can cause a life-threatening condition if left untreated. Allergy sufferers and those suffering from an infectious or bacterial disease are particularly susceptible to enanthema. Mucosal swelling can also occur in the course of typhoid fever, scarlet fever and syphilis. Anyone who is affected should talk to a doctor.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment of enanthema always depends on the underlying disease. In bacterial infectious diseases such as scarlet fever or syphilis, therapy with antibiotics is initially the first choice. If the bacteria in the organism are then killed in the course of therapy, the symptoms and thus also the rash recede. The enanthema can also be treated locally (e.g., with lotions or rinses) if it causes the patient severe discomfort. In the case of viral infections such as rubella or chickenpox, the most severe symptoms are also treated with medication. If the rash is particularly severe in such an infection, it can be treated locally with appropriate medications, as in the case of a bacterial disease. Anti-allergic drugs are used in the treatment of allergic enanthema, and poisoning enanthema is also treated by appropriate drugs in most cases after diagnosis. Avoidance of the respective triggering substances also serves as an effective method of treatment here.

Outlook and prognosis

Enanthema usually has a good prognosis. If the causative agent or allergen is identified and further contact with it is avoided, the skin lesions regress within a few days. Those affected usually continue to experience mild itching and discomfort for some time. With appropriate treatment, however, they are symptom-free after one week at the latest. If the mucous membranes come into contact with the triggering substance again, chronic symptoms may develop under certain circumstances. Recurrent enanthema can, for example, lead to scarring and damage in the deeper tissue layers. This can result in permanent sensitivity disorders. If the reddish rash is due to a serious infectious disease, depending on the cause, complications may occur that slow down recovery. In the case of chickenpox or measles, for example, the skin lesions may spread over a wide area and cause severe discomfort. In addition, there is a risk that those affected will scratch open the enanthema, which is usually very itchy, and cause infections or scars. In principle, however, the prognosis for enanthema is good. Provided an early therapy by an allergist, the patient is already free of symptoms after a short time. The enanthema itself is not contagious and does not affect the life expectancy of the sufferer.


Effective prevention generally exists only for enanthema caused by allergies or poisoning. For this, however, the respective allergy must be known, because only then can the substance be avoided, which leads to the allergic reaction of the mucous membranes. This is also the case with the substances causing enanthema due to poisoning, because only if there is no contact with the respective substance, no rash can develop as a reaction of the body. An infection with viruses or bacteria, which is accompanied by an enanthema as a symptom, on the other hand, is difficult to prevent. Avoiding contact with people who are already ill and generally strengthening the immune system can be effective preventive measures in such cases, as can basic hygiene measures (e.g., regular hand washing or disinfection after contact with people who may be ill).


In the case of enanthema, the patient is primarily dependent on rapid and, above all, early medical examination and treatment. This is the only way to prevent further symptoms. In the worst case, this can lead to severe complications that are no longer reversible and cannot be treated. For this reason, in most cases there are no special aftercare measures available to the person affected.The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the better the further course of the disease usually is. In most cases, those affected by enanthema are dependent on taking medication. First and foremost, antibiotics are prescribed. These should be taken according to the doctor’s instructions. Even after the symptoms have subsided, they should continue to be taken if prescribed by the doctor. When taking them, alcohol should be strictly avoided, otherwise the effect will be reduced. Bed rest and relaxation also have a positive effect on the further course of the disease. Furthermore, the triggering substance should be avoided in order not to produce the enanthema again. As a rule, this disease does not reduce the life expectancy of the patient.

This is what you can do yourself

Self-help measures for enanthema depend on the cause that triggered the rash. Thus, enanthema can develop in the context of infectious diseases, allergies, due to psychological problems or stress. For this purpose, it is first important that a doctor finds out the cause of the enanthem. Often, a rash occurs in the context of a highly contagious infectious disease such as scarlet fever, measles, rubella, smallpox or herpes. If an infectious disease is present, the first thing to do after diagnosis is to rest at home and avoid close contact with other people. This can stop the spread of the pathogen. In addition to bed rest, it is necessary to take the medication prescribed by the doctor to speed up the healing process. However, often there is an allergy or food intolerance. After the doctor has determined which foods or which substances can cause a rash, they should be strictly avoided. Often the patient finds out for himself through self-observation what he cannot tolerate. Sometimes it is certain ointments or creams. Certain medications can also develop an intolerance in some patients, which then leads to enanthema. In that case, it should be clarified with a doctor which medications with the same effect could be used. Furthermore, foods that have been shown to cause enanthema in the affected person should be strictly avoided.