Epidural Analgesia during Birth: Advantages and Risks

What is an epidural birth?

An epidural is an anesthetic procedure often used during childbirth to relieve the often very intense pain experienced by women. To do this, the doctor injects a drug close to the spinal cord, suppressing the transmission of signals from the nerves for a certain period of time. With the correct dosage, the patients are thus pain-free, but can still continue to push.

When is an epidural used during childbirth?

An epidural birth is usually performed at the request of the pregnant woman. However, there are other reasons for using an epidural during childbirth:

  • high-risk births, for example in case of high blood pressure during pregnancy
  • severe pain during a previous birth without an epidural
  • pregnancy with twins or triplets
  • certain abnormal positions of the child in the birth canal
  • anticipated operations during the birth, for example episiotomy
  • diseases of the mother, for example diabetes

What do you do during an epidural birth?

During an epidural, certain spinal nerves are anesthetized. To do this, the doctor uses a special needle to pierce the locally anesthetized skin between two vertebrae in the area of the lumbar spine. The pregnant woman normally lies on her left side, because in this position the child does not press on the large blood vessels in the mother’s abdomen.

Now he guides the needle to the front of the firm skin that surrounds the spinal cord (dura mater). He pushes a thin plastic tube into this so-called peridural space (also epidural space), through which the painkilling drugs (anesthetics) are injected. An automatic syringe pump ensures a constant level of the anesthetics. The patient now only feels a sensation of pressure, but no more pain.

What are the risks of an epidural birth?

In the area of the puncture site, bacteria introduced despite careful disinfection can cause an encapsulated collection of pus (abscess) that compresses the spinal cord and causes pain. The patient may also be allergic to the medications used. A very rare but dangerous complication is accidental injection of local anesthetics into a blood vessel. This can result in seizures and serious cardiac arrhythmias.

There is normally no danger to the child during an epidural birth: breathing and heartbeat are hardly affected by the drugs used.

What do I need to be aware of after an epidural birth?

Because muscle coordination of the trunk and legs is limited for a while after delivery due to anesthesia, you should only stand up under supervision after an epidural birth to avoid falls.

Author & source information

This text corresponds to the requirements of medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been reviewed by medical experts.