
Burning grain, wolf tooth, hunger grainThe so-called ergot occurs mainly in rye. During the flowering period of the grain, the fungal plexus (mycelium) of ergot grows through the ovaries with short fibers. Spores are formed, which unite in a sweet juice, the so-called “honeydew”.

Insects transfer so the affection on other ovaries. The fungal fibers grow in the ovaries, intertwine with each other, and finally form a black, solid structure protruding from the ear, the so-called sclerotium. In the harvest time of the grain the sclerotia fall to the ground.

In the spring, they produce stalked mushrooms that spread their spores again on the young grain plants. Today ergot is rarely found on cereals. In the past, however, the bread cereal was often contaminated with ergot and mass diseases with

  • Skin tingling
  • Cramps
  • Bowel disorders
  • Deafness and
  • Limited mental capacity

The whole mushroom plexus (sclerotium) from ergot grown on the rye diet is used for the production of medicines.

Today, the raw material is obtained by artificial breeding of ergot on rye ears and by cultivation of mycelium.

  • Indole derivatives
  • Dyestuffs
  • Greases
  • Amines and
  • Antraquinones

Ergot is very poisonous and must never be used by laymen! The ingredients of ergot cause the smooth muscles of the uterus to contract and thus stop bleeding.

Ergot is used for:

  • Excitement and anxiety states
  • Migraine
  • Low blood pressure (due to narrowing of the blood vessels)

Secale cornutum is only available on prescription up to and including D3! Ergot is commonly prescribed in D3, D4, D6 but also higher. Secale is used in patients suffering from anxiety, fear of death, paralysis of the will.

Pain is described as an inner burning fire. The symptoms are aggravated by movement, touch and the warmth of the bed. Improvement occurs through cool, fresh air.

Secale may only be taken when prescribed by a doctor!

  • Migraine (with much vomiting)
  • Circulatory disorders of the brain
  • High blood pressure
  • Weakness in labour
  • For open legs due to circulatory problems

Ergot is very poisonous and should not be used by laymen. Poisoning by ergot is manifested by

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Salivation
  • Diarrhea
  • Flickering eyes
  • Paralysis
  • Circulatory collapse