Exercises | Headaches – caused by the cervical spine


To stretch the neck in the area of the cervical spine and thus keep the muscles more supple and release tension, there are numerous simple exercises that can be performed comfortably at home or in the office. 1.) An exercise that can be performed either sitting or standing, stretches especially the back of the head.

The hands are loosely crossed behind the head. Now exert light pressure on the back of the head with your hands so that your chin approaches the chest. You should feel a slight stretch in the neck area.

Hold this position for 5-10 seconds and then slowly return to the starting position. 2.) Another easy exercise is shoulder lifting.

Stand or sit upright for this exercise. The legs are shoulder width apart. Now pull your shoulders towards your ears.

Hold this position for 5-10 seconds before lowering your shoulders again. Repeat this 10 times. Many of the exercises are aimed at stretching or strengthening the muscles of the cervical spine to release tension and prevent further problems.

It is therefore recommended to include some exercises in his daily routine. Other relaxation techniques, yoga and Pilates can also help prevent the development of complaints. More exercises can be found in the articles:

  • What is the best way to relax the cervical spine?
  • Exercises against headaches
  • Cervical spine syndrome exercises


The duration of cervical spine-related headaches can last from a few minutes to several hours or even days. Depending on the severity of the tension or malposition, it may be necessary to seek treatment from a specialist to prevent the development of further complaints. In many cases, a pain-related relieving posture can worsen the symptoms, as the incorrect posture leads to further muscle tension. Especially for people who work a lot at the computer or do heavy physical work at work, it is important to do regular exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles around the cervical spine to prevent problems.