Atopy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Atopy is a skin disease characterized by red and inflamed patches of skin, often associated with allergic reactions and asthma. Treatment is through attentive skin care.

What is atopy?

Atopy is a very common, often long-lasting skin disease. It is a specific form of allergic hypersensitivity that can involve various symptoms. These include: Asthma, asthmatic allergies and chronic dermatitis. There is a known congenital factor in atopy, so it is more common within families. Diagnosis is made by a determination of typical symptoms, such as: the typical rash and family history of allergies and asthma. In atopy, the skin becomes particularly sore and begins to itch, it becomes inflamed and may swell, turn red, form blisters and ooze. Although atopy can occur at any age, it is especially common in infants and young children. Atopy can persist into adulthood, slowly disappear, or develop into a disease that fluctuates in onset and abates in sufferers.


The causes of atopy are largely unknown, but the disease appears to be caused by a combination of congenital factors and environmental factors. There appears to be an underlying hypersensitivity and an increased tendency to itch and scratch. Many examples demonstrate that atopy is related to a number of disorders such as hay fever and asthma, from which many people with atopy also suffer. Many children who show early signs of atopy are also more likely to develop asthma and/or hay fever later in life. Although one disorder does not necessarily cause the other, they seem to be linked somehow; however, this still puzzles researchers. Although emotional stress may cause symptoms now and then, they are not the causative factor of the disease.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

The appearance of atopy can vary widely. Typical symptoms include excessively dry skin with reddened and inflamed areas associated with severe itching. In most cases, there is also extensive thickening of the skin. In severe cases, nodules and pustules may form, which are also very itchy and in some cases cause bleeding or inflammation. If atopy occurs in infancy, itchy redness of the skin occurs, possibly associated with crusts and vesicles. The head and face, as well as the limbs and flexural folds, are particularly affected. In young children and adolescents, the typical atopy symptoms occur mainly on the flexures of the joints, the neck, and the hands and wrists. The skin takes on a leathery appearance and may at times be insensitive to pain. The symptomatology in adulthood is similar. Usually, severely itchy nodules and accompanying symptoms are then added. Typically, respiratory problems such as asthma as well as hay fever and allergic conjunctivitis occur, depending on the causative allergen and the constitution of the patient. In the further course, the skin disease can develop into a pronounced neurodermatitis. The development of a chronic disease cannot be ruled out.

Diagnosis and course

Atopy is usually diagnosed via a physical examination and a visual examination of skin symptoms, performed by a dermatologist. Information about the patient’s and family’s medical history may be helpful in making the diagnosis. Likewise, the physician will likely ask questions about any allergies or rashes that have occurred. A biopsy (in this case, a skin sample) and subsequent laboratory testing can also aid in diagnosis in rare cases. This also applies to analyses of the blood, in which an increased value of certain white blood cells can be found. Itchy skin is the most unpleasant symptom of atopy for patients, but this appears in many skin diseases and is not an obligatory indication of atopy. In some cases, a physician will also perform several examinations spaced out over time to make an accurate diagnosis.


Several complications can occur with atopy. Usually, the symptom is mainly associated with the onset of asthma and other allergic reactions, and can cause severe discomfort in the process.In many cases, allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva also occurs. The asthma can be further aggravated by hay fever. As a rule, this severely restricts everyday life. Often there are different rashes on the skin, which first point to an allergy. There is also itching on the skin, which can spread over the entire body. This is also a psychological burden for many people. Atopy is treated at home in most cases, but the doctor must give the patient instructions for treatment. The skin must be cared for regularly. It is essential to avoid scratching the skin. Doing so may cause sores and scars, and will only aggravate the atopy. In most cases, with good skin care, the symptom disappears on its own and does not cause further discomfort.

When should you go to the doctor?

Anyone who notices a hypersensitivity to certain substances should always have this clarified by a doctor. Medical advice is required above all in the case of severe complaints. If it comes in the context of an atopy, for example, itchy skin rashes, coughing and breathing attacks or severe abdominal pain, the cause must be determined with the help of an allergy test. Severe symptoms such as severe itching or respiratory distress should be clarified and treated immediately. If breathing difficulties and other health problems occur repeatedly, the family doctor should be consulted. Under certain circumstances, it is a matter of a pronounced allergy, against which appropriate medical measures must be taken. If circulatory problems, severe shortness of breath or collapse occur, the emergency physician must be called immediately. It is possible that a life-threatening allergic shock is present, which must be treated immediately. Parents who notice symptoms of atopy in their children should not hesitate to see a doctor. If the allergy is detected and treated early, major complications can usually be reliably avoided.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment of therapy consists largely of good cooperation between the attending dermatologist and the patient. The patient should follow the instructions of his doctor meticulously to achieve relief of his symptoms. Only a good understanding of one’s own disease can lead to success. Therefore, the most important steps of a therapy are self-treatment at home and compliance with certain care measures. The skin must be kept healthy by taking measures. If the patient, together with the doctor, can identify direct triggers for symptoms, these circumstances should be avoided. This can successfully prevent getting lost in a “scratchy vicious circle”. In skin care, for example, it is important to use only a recommended soap and moisturizer. Frequently changing products that come in contact with the skin can cause the irritation. If necessary, the doctor may also recommend special treatment with medicinal ointments and tinctures. These often contain cortisone, as one of the most successful remedies for skin inflammation.

Outlook and prognosis

Atopy can be treated well in close cooperation with the physician and with consideration of various self-help measures. Nevertheless, a complete and permanent cure occurs rather rarely. Symptoms are treatable in most cases, but recurrent. In addition, numerous secondary diseases and complaints can occur, which often have a chronic course. Allergies and their physical characteristics, for example, are often considered incurable. Nevertheless, the affected person can be and remain symptom-free for a long time. If the environmental influences change or there is repeated contact with the irritant substance, the symptoms reappear. Over the course of a lifetime, many patients experience an increase in the number of irritant substances and at the same time become better able to cope with them. In addition, the stability of the immune system decreases with age, and with it the self-healing powers. Furthermore, psychological factors can influence the intensity of the disease. In the case of stress, experiencing crises or traumas, many patients experience a renewed outbreak or intensification of atopy. In the course of his life, the patient learns to pay better attention to himself and his individual warning signals.This life experience is useful for him to achieve symptom relief. There is a possibility to react early and take countermeasures.


Since atopy is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, absolute prevention is not possible. But sufferers can curb their symptoms by taking precautions. These include taking care of the skin, for example, he should not shower or bathe too often, too long and too hot, in addition, the skin should be protected from dryness.

This is what you can do yourself

The causes of atopy have not yet been fully researched, nor can the disease be treated causally. However, sufferers can identify the triggers for the allergic reaction and treat the symptoms. If an allergy test at the doctor’s office has not produced any results, patients should keep an atopy diary. In this way, they can find out whether the allergic episodes correlate with the consumption of certain foods or the performance of certain activities, or occur more frequently in certain life situations (for example, before or after exams). Once the allergenic substance is identified, it must be avoided as much as possible. If the allergic episodes occur particularly frequently in connection with psychological stress, relaxation techniques such as yoga or autogenic training can help those affected to remain more relaxed in exceptional situations. Antihistamines can be helpful in the treatment of symptoms, especially when it comes to itchy skin eczema or hay fever. The preparations, which are available over-the-counter in pharmacies as creams, drops or tablets, primarily relieve severe itching. Reddened, inflamed or weeping skin areas can also be treated with medicinal zinc ointment instead of cortisone, which must be applied two to three times a day. For allergic runny nose, medications containing pseudoephedrine help. For allergic irritation of the eyes, vasoconstrictive eye drops or rinses with eyebright can provide relief.