Fungal infection in the genital area | Burning sensation when urinating

Fungal infection in the genital area

Fungal infections are possible in the genital area of men and women. In both sexes the causative agent is almost always the yeast fungus Candida albicans. The fungi can usually spread if the pH value in the vagina is no longer correct.

This can be caused by antibiotics, for example, but also by excessive washing with a pH-neutral or alkaline washing cream. In men the glans (balantis) and the foreskin are affected. In men, the infection can either be caused by sexual intercourse with a woman who is also infected or by washing too intensively.

Of course, a fungal infection can also be caused by insufficient hygiene. The symptoms are itching and burning, a crumbly neutral-smelling discharge. In women, white deposits can be found on the vaginal mucosa.

There is also a redness in the genital area. The fungal infection can be diagnosed by a smear and a medical history. Often the symptoms are already very clear. The disease is treated with suppositories, ointments and tablets. These are special antimycotics which attack the fungi.

Burning sensation when urinating during pregnancy

During pregnancy, significantly more women suffer from urinary tract infections. Either way, it is a very common disease from which almost every woman suffers once in her life. It is caused by bacteria that migrate into the bladder via the relatively short urethra and cause inflammation.

They can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, or through incorrect cleaning of the anus after going to the toilet, where the proximity of the anus and the vagina can cause transmission of bacteria. During pregnancy the hormone composition is different and this is even more conducive to the development of urinary tract infections. The hormone progesterone in particular is responsible for the facilitated development.

It relaxes the muscles of the ureter and so the urine is transported only slowly. This makes it easier for bacteria to spread. In addition, the enlarged uterus sometimes hinders the flow of urine enormously. In addition to a burning sensation when urinating, a burning sensation after urination can also occur during pregnancy. This is usually also caused by a urinary tract infection.

After the cesarean section

In a caesarean section, a catheter is usually placed in the expectant mother’s bladder. Hygiene plays a particularly important role when placing the catheter. If this is neglected, for example due to lack of hygiene measures on the part of the nursing staff, a urinary tract infection can occur through the inserted catheter.

Not only the placement of the catheter poses a risk of infection, but also the nursing staff, who can also cause an infection if hygiene standards are low. In general, pathogens enter the bladder more easily if a catheter is present, since the catheter tube facilitates the migration of pathogens.