Green Tea: A Miracle Cure?

Stimulating green tea is undoubtedly. But it is also said to have a health-promoting effect. Thus, it is supposed to prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of cancer. But what is the truth about its miraculous power? According to legend, the Chinese emperor Shen-Nung preferred to drink hot water. One day, the wind blew some leaves into his bubbling water, and the water turned slightly green. He tasted – the drink revived and refreshed the ruler. The story is around 5,000 years old and green tea is now an integral part of Asian drinking culture. But how healthy is the drink actually?

Extraction of green tea

Like its brother, black tea, green tea is extracted from the plant with the botanical name Camellia sinensis. However, it is not fermented, so it does not go through a fermentation process in which the leaf and cell sap are altered by atmospheric oxygen. A strong steam heating during production prevents the tea from turning copper red.

After this treatment, the tea is lightly rolled and then immediately dried; the leaves are merely blanched. The natural leaf pigment is thus largely preserved.

Preparation of green tea

Green tea should always be fresh and preferably purchased in a sealed airtight package. The oxygen in the air causes the tea to age more quickly and it loses flavor. It is best stored in glass containers and never next to coffee or spices. Green tea is best prepared in a porcelain or glass pot, which is rinsed briefly with cold water beforehand.

The tea should not be over-brewed with boiling water, as this would dissolve tannins and destroy vitamins. The ideal water temperature is about 70 to 80 °C, very high-quality Japanese green teas are sometimes infused with a water temperature of only 60 °C.

It is best to bring water to a boil and wait a few minutes until it has cooled down. Then add the tea and let it steep for 1 to 2 minutes, mild high-quality varieties even up to 4 minutes. Some prefer the second infusion, which contains less caffeine and tastes milder – take the same drained leaves and reduce the amount of water by about 1/3 for this.

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Effect of green tea

The health effects of tea have long been known: The tannins soothe the stomach and intestines, thanks to its antibacterial effect, green tea prevents tooth decay, and it also regulates blood pressure.

In addition to vitamins A, B, B 12, C and minerals such as potassium, calcium, fluoride, green tea contains about 130 important ingredients, including flavonoids, which are so important. These are responsible for the coloration of plants and protect the plant from harmful environmental influences.

Flavonoids positively influence a variety of metabolic processes in the human body, including the development of cancer, immune mechanisms and inflammatory processes. They have antimicrobial and anticoagulant effects. Flavonoids are antioxidants, which means that they can intercept reactive oxygen compounds in the body. These are partly responsible for the development of cancer. Flavonoids are also thought to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as strengthen the immune system.

Does green tea protect against cancer?

Taiwanese scientists have found, among other things, that the high fluoride content of green tea has a positive effect on bone density and thus prevents osteoporosis; numerous individual studies have concluded that green tea can protect against cancer. However, a review study in Erlangen was unable to confirm these effects, or only to a limited extent, when comparing the numerous worldwide publications; some studies even contradict each other.

The possible effect seems to depend not only on the type of cancer, but also on consumption behavior, age and gender, as well as other individual factors. There seems to be a positive influence in the case of cancer of the liver, pancreas, lung and prostate; in women with a corresponding hereditary predisposition, it probably reduces the risk of developing breast cancer.