Health check-up – what happens

These include diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney problems. In this way, diseases can be avoided or detected and treated as early as possible. Find out here which examinations you can expect during a health check-up, when the examination is due and who carries it out.

What is a health check-up?

The health check-up is an important preventive examination for men and women. It serves to detect diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus or heart problems at an early stage. The health check-up also provides scope for medical advice on topics such as family history and other disease risks. The health check-up is carried out by the family doctor or an internist.

When can I have a health check-up?

Between the ages of 18 and 34, health insurance covers the costs of a one-off health check-up. Anyone over 35 is entitled to a check-up every three years. All examinations are free of charge for the patient.

What examinations take place during the check-up?

At the beginning of the health check-up, the doctor asks the patient about any previous illnesses and diseases that run in their family. The main focus is on common illnesses such as

  • high blood pressure
  • elevated blood lipid levels
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Arterial occlusive disease
  • Lung diseases
  • Cancer

In this way, the doctor determines the patient’s individual disease risk profile and assesses the personal risk.

In addition to the medical history, the doctor checks the patient’s lifestyle. He measures body weight and height, asks the patient questions about his nicotine, alcohol and drug consumption and determines whether he gets enough exercise. He also assesses the patient’s mental state.

Physical examination

The interview is followed by a physical examination. The doctor first examines the chest and listens to the heart, lungs and carotid artery. The doctor typically takes the pulse at the foot. He also examines the patient’s posture and inspects the skin. A reflex check provides information about possible nerve damage. The function of the sensory organs is also checked.

Blood pressure measurement

The health check includes a blood pressure measurement. The doctor determines the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Optimal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg (millimeters of mercury), up to 129/84 the value is still normal. From 140/90, blood pressure is elevated (hypertension).

Further information can be found in the article Measuring blood pressure.

Blood test (blood lipid values, fasting blood sugar)

You can read what the values mean in the article Cholesterol values.

In addition to the blood lipid values, the fasting blood glucose level is determined from the blood sample. In people with a healthy metabolism, the fasting blood sugar level is below 100 mg/dl. If it is higher, this may be an indication of diabetes mellitus.

Vaccination status

At every health check-up, the doctor checks the patient’s vaccination status. The yellow vaccination certificate is required for this. If necessary, a booster vaccination is due.

You can find out when which vaccination needs to be boosted in the vaccination calendar.

The Check-up 35

The Check-up 35 is the start of the regular health checks. The check-up should now be carried out every three years.

The 35+ health check also includes a urine test: The doctor examines a urine sample from the patient with a urine strip for traces of proteins, glucose, red and white blood cells and nitrite . The test provides information about the health of the kidneys, bladder, ureters and urethra.

Men aged 65 and over

From the age of 65, the health check includes a one-off aortic aneurysm screening [Link]. The doctor uses an ultrasound device to examine the blood vessels in the abdomen in order to detect possible bulges at an early stage.