Animal Hair Allergy: Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease) Dog allergens vary in aggressiveness depending on the breed. Short-haired breeds are thought to have higher allergenic potential. Allergen-free breeds do not exist. Cat allergens can be spread very widely through the air and clothing of their owners, showing up in places where cats have not been before. Allergies to birds … Animal Hair Allergy: Causes

Animal Hair Allergy: Therapy

General measures Avoid handling the triggering allergens (exposure prophylaxis). Allergy card always carry with you Measures to be taken in case of allergy to animal dander Avoidance of animals (exposure prophylaxis). Avoidance of fur and clothing and furnishings made from animal hair; clothing, carpets, and items made from animal hair may also contain animal allergens: … Animal Hair Allergy: Therapy

Animal Hair Allergy: Test and Diagnosis

1st order laboratory parameters – obligatory laboratory tests. Allergy diagnostics – Various allergy tests can be performed to determine whether hay fever is present: Prick test (skin test): in this test, the allergens in question are applied in droplet form to the forearms. A thin needle is then used to slightly nick the skin at … Animal Hair Allergy: Test and Diagnosis

Animal Hair Allergy: Drug Therapy

Therapy target Improvement of the symptomatology Therapy recommendations Allergen abstinence; in animal dander allergies, complete avoidance of allergen exposure is often not achievable despite abstaining from a pet. Antihistamines, possibly also glucocorticoids (acute and chronic therapy). Cromoglicic acid (prophylactic therapy). For causal therapy, specific immunotherapy (synonyms: hyposensitization, allergy vaccination) can be performed in certain cases. … Animal Hair Allergy: Drug Therapy

Animal Hair Allergy: Diagnostic Tests

Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, laboratory diagnostics, and obligatory medical device diagnostics – for differential diagnostic clarification. Nasal endoscopy (nasal endoscopy; nasal cavity endoscopy) possibly with biopsy (tissue sampling). Sonography (ultrasound examination) of the paranasal sinuses – if sinusitis (sinusitis) is suspected. Computed tomography (sectional imaging … Animal Hair Allergy: Diagnostic Tests

Animal Hair Allergy: Prevention

To prevent pet dander allergy, attention must be paid to reducing individual risk factors. Behavioral risk factors Repeated exposure to the triggering allergens. Allergen abstinence If an allergy to pollen, dust mites, animal dander or mold is detected, or if a food allergy exists, individuals should avoid the triggers to prevent the onset of allergic … Animal Hair Allergy: Prevention

Animal Hair Allergy: Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of animal dander allergy. Family history What is the general health of your relatives? Are there any diseases in your family that are common? Social history What is your profession? Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints). What symptoms have you noticed? … Animal Hair Allergy: Medical History

Animal Hair Allergy: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Respiratory System (J00-J99) Rhinosinusitis – inflammation of the nose and sinuses, nonallergic. Aviculturist’s lung – type III immune reaction (characterized by antibody formation against soluble antigens; immune complex formation), which is more common in pigeon breeders and can lead to cough, shortness of breath and fever several hours after antigen contact. Mouth, esophagus (food pipe), … Animal Hair Allergy: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Animal Hair Allergy: Secondary Diseases

The following are the most important diseases or complications that may be contributed to by pet dander allergy: Respiratory system (J00-J99) Allergic rhinitis (allergic rhinitis). Bronchial asthma (allergic bronchial asthma) Chronic sinusitis (sinusitis). Tympanic effusion (synonym: seromucotympanum) – accumulation of fluid in the middle ear (tympanum). Tracheitis allergica – tracheitis associated with severe coughing attacks. … Animal Hair Allergy: Secondary Diseases