Indications of the tongue cleaner | Tongue cleaner

Indications of the tongue cleaner

A tongue cleaner should be used especially with an occupied tongue to clean it. Especially on the tongue a lot of bacteria are deposited. A whitish, thin and wipeable coating on the tongue is quite normal.

The amount of coating can vary slightly from person to person. However, the coating on the tongue can often also bring an unpleasant taste to the mouth. A tongue cleaner is a very good way to remove the coating and thus combat the unpleasant taste.

Furthermore, a tongue cleaner is indicated for bad breath. Since bacteria settle on the tongue and metabolize these food residues, resulting in sulfur-containing products, an unpleasant odor can develop. Bad breath can be counteracted by removing the coating from the tongue.

Furthermore, tongue cleaner should be used regularly to lay the foundation for good oral hygiene. Bleeding gums or frequent tooth decay can also be a sign for the sensible use of a tongue cleaner. In folk medicine, cleaning the tongue with a tongue cleaner is considered a household remedy to prevent colds.

How to use a tongue cleaner correctly?

It is best to use the tongue cleaner after brushing your teeth and using interdental brushes and/or dental floss. In this way, the tongue can finally be cleaned by daily oral hygiene. Especially in the back third of the tongue, bacteria accumulate more and more.

The tongue cleaner should help to clean these areas as well. One begins by sticking out the tongue as far as possible. It is best to clamp the tongue syringe between thumb and index finger to hold it firmly.

A paper handkerchief is also suitable here. With the latter one does not slip off so easily. Then the tongue scraper or tongue brush is placed as far back as possible and pulled forward in a long path.This should be done without strong pressure on the tongue.

The procedure should be repeated three to four times. It is very important that the tongue cleaner is rinsed with water after each lane. Afterwards the mouth can be rinsed with mouth rinsing solution or clear water. If used properly, the tongue cleaner should be replaced every six to eight weeks.